This week you will be required to write a summary of the macronutrients. Each macronutrients summary should contain the following information. You will have three summaries, one for carbohydrates, one for fat/lipids and one for protein.
Each summary should address:
1)RDA for the macronutrient and any RDA’s for subcategories such as fiber for carbohydrates etc. (3pts)
2)Does the quality of the source matter, for example with protein is there a difference in 97% lean hamburger vs 85% lean hamburger vs chicken vs fish etc when making protein food choices? Are there plant sources that are better for protein? Are there interactions between the macronutrients that might make one source better than another (again, think of the hamburger example or typical fast food, why is fast food bad if all the macronutrients are present?) Use the same structure when addressing carbohydrates and fats. You have some freedom here to explore sources of macronutrients, which “better” sources would you actually consume or do consume and why (availability, taste, allergies, etc). (notice the points here, I expect some reasoning and exploration, 9pts)
3)Explain the assumption that consuming too much fat is bad for the heart. To explain the assumption, be sure to talk about how LDL cholesterol is formed, why it is bad, why HDL is good, why controlling saturated fat intake is important and if monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are a problem if overconsumed. (3.5pts)
4)Finally, go on Google Scholar or another PEER-REVIEWED search engine (that means no Flex magazine, Shape or popular media. I want you to find an actual research article) and find two abstracts that support, refute or talk about the dosage that is best for omega-3 fatty acids. Provide a summary of each abstract (hit the high points, who was in the study, what did they do and what happened to them). Copy and paste the abstracts into your answer (just highlight all the words off the internet and paste if needed). What is your opinion about omega-3 usage afteryou have now reviewed the information in your book, lecture and the abstracts you found?(4.5pts