This course begins by asking each student to be write a “Linguistic Introspection,” studying and reflecting on the development and fluidity of one’s own linguistic and cultural identities—how do you speak the way you speak? What role has culture played to inform what you say, how you say it, to whom, why, and to what ends? What judgments do you have about what constitutes “good” language or what is a “dialect”; what do you think are ‘standard’ and ‘non-standard’ ways of speaking? What languages do you find beautiful, difficult, or harsh-sounding?
In our brief summer course I ask you to imagine crossing a cultural and linguistic boundary through reading one of several thoughtful interviews that appear with youth in selected chapters from Nieto and Bode’s (2012) Affirming Diversity book or by crossing a boundary with me through recent interviews I conducted with English learner adult women from Iran, Turkey, China, and Mexico. Most of the interviewees are already quite fluent in English. Remember the goal of the assignment is to reflexively examine languaging (used purposely as a gerund in tribute to Ofelia Garcia’s scholarship on translanguaging), culture, and sociopolitical factors as you analyze the variety of English used and the relationships between language, culture, race, gender, and other aspects of identity and status.
It is expected that you will accurately cite specific spoken or written text (with page numbers or video minute/second approximation) to warrant claims you make.
Revisit the approved and selected interview and write a short essay (4-7 pages using APA style) in which you analyze the interviewee’s language use, culture, and educational experiences and compare with your own. Analyze specific examples of language use (quote the selections and provide the page number or video time stamp).
- Noticing and connecting to linguistcs/theory: What do you notice is different about their register? How might their form of speaking be influenced by other sociocultural and contextual factors? What theories and discussions of language (you must have at least 2 references to course readings) help you to understand the way this ELL (English language learner) is speaking and what they are saying as well as your own introspective reactions or understanding? (30%)
- Noticing and connecting to self: What comparisons can you draw between your own languaging and cultural experiences and those of the interviewee? Reflect on how your own sociocultural and sociopolitical contexts of culture align with or differ from your interviewee’s and the effects of those similarities and differences. Cite specific examples from both your life experiences and the interviewee’s (using page numbers or time stamps). (30%)
- Noticing and connecting pedagogically: Consider: If you were this ELL’s teacher, what additional information or additional questions might you ask to better understand their experiences with language, culture, and school? What additional resources would you seek in order to become a better educator for this student? Share any one resource/link you may find and explain why it is helpful (reference to ideas in the readings). Reflect as an educator and consider one pedagogical innovation you think would make the most impact to help this student feel welcome and invited to language and literacy success in school. Explain your choice. (30%)
- Style: Make sure your writing is clear, organized, and properly formatted according to APA guidelines. Spelling and punctuation are checked for accuracy and assignment is turned in on time. (10%).
C | B | A | |
Theory | >22 Less of “A” work | 23-26 Less of “A” work | 27-30 Writer discusses observations of language use including register, grammar, and how use may be informed by linguistic, sociocultural or other contextual factors. At least two meaningful references to course readings as well as connections to your your own introspective reactions or understanding. |
Self | >22 Less of “A” work | 23-26 Less of “A” work | 27-30 Additional information, resources or questions provided to better understand ELL experiences with language, culture, and school. Reference is made to connect clearly described ideas or suggestions to the course readings. |
Pedagogy | >22 Less of “A” work | 23-26 Less of “A” work | 27-30 Additional information or additional questions might you ask to better understand their experiences with language, culture, and school? What additional resources would you seek in order to become a better educator for this student? Share any one resource/link you may find and explain why it is helpful (reference to ideas in the readings). Reflect as an educator and consider one pedagogical innovation you think would make the most impact to help this student feel welcome and invited to language and literacy success in school. Explain your choice. |
Style | >7 Less of “A” work | 7-8 Less of “A” work | 9-10 pts Writing is clear, organized, and properly formatted according to APA guidelines. Spelling and punctuation are checked for accuracy and assignment is turned in on time. |
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