Leadership in Theory and Practice TERM PAPER  FORMAT & EVALUATION RUBRIC – (10 double spaced pages) 

Term Paper due September 30, 2018.  10 pages + title page and bibliography.  Your paper should be on your content    specialty area (Religion, Psychology,  History, English, Criminal Justice, Student Personnel Services, and Information Technology) focusing on a theory or practice of leadership.  This is a good opportunity to further research for your dissertation topic. 

I  Paper Format (As per the University Dissertation and Case Study Handbook)

Title Page Chapter I.  Executive Summary This is where you present a short summary on the importance of your selected topic and a short summary of the results of you topic Chapter II. Literature Review  This where you will summarize the information and data from your references Chapter III. Analysis This is where you provide your own analysis of your topic anchored in fact and reason  Chapter IV. Summary Summarize the meaning of your analysis  Reference Page 

II Evaluation Rubric Executive Summary  Summarized appropriately ______________________________________________________________________________  Distinguished between fact, opinion, and own inferences_______________________________________________________

Literature Review Supported issue(s) with background research and stated clearly and concisely______________________________________  Recognized all important facts____________________________________________________________________________  

Analysis Comparisons and Contrasts are clearly and concisely stated____________________________________________________ 

Summary  Analysis reflected good understanding of course material_______________________________________________________  Analysis incorporated outside material as appropriate__________________________________________________________  Concepts from the text were utilized to aid in understanding_____________________________________________________  Feasible solutions/alternatives were identified________________________________________________________________  Solutions were consistent with issue definition_______________________________________________________________ Alternatives were evaluated _____________________________________________________________________________  Analysis were clearly stated and logically followed___________________________________________________________  

References__________________________________________________________________________________________ III Overall Evaluation               ________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________      Key: Excellent (A) 270 – 300; Very Good (B) 240 – 269; Acceptable (C) 210 -239; Un-Acceptable (F) >210 IV Paper Outline Presentation and Class Participation: (100 Points Possible)   Student will present a three to five minute outline and do an oral presentation of their term paper.  The presentation will serve as a    practice scenario to assist the student to be clear and succinct in their communications.  Student will touch on the key concepts of the paper being concise and focused with their presentation.  This role play will be with the professor as the top-level leader in their organization.  Their classmates will be the peers in their organization.   

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