Assignment 5: Leadership and Leadership Development

You are to write a three to four (3–4) page paper that answers the following:

  1. Discuss the keys to effectively managing leadership development at each of the following levels: a first-line supervisor, a middle manager, a senior manager, and the President/CEO.
  2. Compare and contrast strategic leadership and operational leadership, explaining which type of leadership is essential for the long-range survival and growth of an entrepreneurial organization and why.
  3. Discuss the most common style of leadership used by effective leaders of larger companies (Stage III and beyond) and explain why this style of leadership is used.

The format of the paper is to be as follows:

  • Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides (APA format).
  • Type the question followed by your answer to the question.
  • In addition to the three to four (3–4) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.


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