1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

How to conduct a sustained piece of individual research which, encompasses a critical understanding and appreciation of the processes required to ensure social research is conducted within an ethically appropriate framework

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

Synthesise, evaluate and defend the findings of your research and communicate the results in a focused, logically organised, appropriately concluded format and referenced according to the format and standard of the Harvard system.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You must write a 2000 word (+/-10%) research proposal setting out the research project you plan to undertake. Your research proposal needs to help whoever is reading it to understand why your research question is important, and how you will go about identifying/collecting evidence which, once analysed, should enable you to answer your research question. Your research proposal should include:

An introduction to your topic and the relevant background context (policy, data, existing research evidence and theory).

Your research question – it should be clear from your background context why this is an important research question. It can be helpful to develop a research question with aim(s) and objectives for the project. Your aim(s) will be where you intend to get to once you have completed the research project. Your objectives will be the steps, or smaller pieces of work, along the way to this destination

Your research methods – setting out how you will identify/collect the evidence for your project – it is important to be specific about search terms you will use, databases you will search, and how you will select your sources in a structured and robust way. It is also important to set out how you will analyse your sources – this is about how you will process the data you have identified/collected so as to be able to present findings and answer your research question

A discussion of the relevant ethical considerations which relate to your research project

A conclusion where you set out your expected outcomes – this is an opportunity to make your proposal coherent, to reconnect to your research question, explaining how what you have proposed will enable you to answer your research question

What do I need to do to pass?

Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the parameters of a suitable research question in order to produce a focussed research proposal, identifying set aims and objectives, proposed methodology and relevant ethical considerations.

Evidence the ability to design a research study, which is robust, realistic and relevant to the course of study, in line with the principles of ethical conduct of social research.

For those doing secondary research: Submit an secondary research ethics application alongside a plan for the literature review/research to be undertaken together with a timeline including supervisory arrangements.

Research Proposal Structure:

1.Introduction – around 200 words

2.Background context – around 450 words

2.1 Data

2.2 Policy

2.3 Existing research evidence

2.4 Theory

3.Research question – around 200 words

4.Research design and ethics – around 250 words

5.Data collection strategy – around 300 words

6.Approach to analysis – around 350 words

7.Timeline (including supervision) – around 100 words

8.Conclusion – around 150 words 

The research question would be – How can social challenges faced by children with ADHD have an impact on their health outcomes?

This will be the title of the paper and the research question will be referring to the UK’ children.

For introduction please use data from UK, also for the background context  for the subtitles 2.1 Data and 2.2 Policy the reference should be made to UK.

Regarding the research design I chose literature review and as an approach to analysis would be thematic analysis.

Literature review

A substantive literature review involves asking what we know about a topic form the existing published research. Usually, you will solely focus on research published in journal articles. If there are an insufficient number of journal article you may widen your source type to include book chapters, reports from reputable organisations, and possibly even theses. A key part of a literature review is your methods section. This does not need to be long, but it does need to provide a clear account of:

· the database(s) searched, and search terms used,

· the ways in which you narrowed your focus (for example to a certain geographical context or specific years of publication),

· the number of results your search returned,

· the process used to select articles to include in your literature review – this usually involves considering titles and abstracts and will make reference to your inclusion criteria (essentially the type of research you are searching for), and

· the final number of articles selected for inclusion in your literature review

Your findings chapter will then review and analyse this body of research. You should consider including an overview of the research undertaken – at its simplest this would mean considering which data collection methods have been used, the scale of the existing research studies (how many participants were involved), and the characteristics of the participants (are any groups who experience the issue missing from the existing studies). You may also wish to review the theories used by existing researchers. You will want to include an analysis of the research. This will likely be a thematic analysis which means picking out the key ideas, usually the ones which are mentioned repeatedly, within your selected articles and writing a section about each which draws on the evidence presented in your selected articles.

I will attach a separate folder with a Micro textbook for guidance for this paper.

For the following points:

2.4 Theory – please choose which theory you can find fitted for the topic (see 2.4 Theory from Micro textbook).

3. Research question– please establish 3 objectives leading to an aim.

5. Data collecting strategy– it will be helpful if the following data bases would be included PsycInfo, Medline, ERIC, PubMed, Google Scholar.

Referencing style would be Harvard, in text and reference list; at least 15 references.

Researching this topic, I found the following articles:

1. Reducing the social and emotional impact of ADHD


2. Social Functioning in Children With or At Risk for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Review


3. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), antisociality and

delinquent behavior over the lifespan


4. Assessing, Understanding, and Supporting Students With ADHD at

School: Contemporary Science, Practice, and Policy


5. Early Detection and Intervention for ADHD


6. Social Functioning Difficulties in ADHD: Association with PDD Risk


7. Social and Emotional Impairment in Children and Adolescents with

ADHD and the Impact on Quality of Life


8. Educators’ experiences of managing students with ADHD: a qualitative study


9. ADHD in children and young people: Prevalence, Care Pathways & Service Provision


10. Peer relationships of children with ADHD.


If you find these articles are helpful for this paper feel free to use them.

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