1. Drawing from any of the articles and other material presented in this document consider the following two part question:
A. Which of these concepts concerning effective thinking in decision-making would you apply personally at your organization, home, or other setting, and
B. What would be the effects of this application?

2. To quote Kenneth Kaufman’s summary, it is “imperative for healthcare executives to learn and successfully apply the six core concepts of corporate finance–capital cycle management, creditworthiness, integrated planning, analysis-based capital allocation, strategic budgeting and capital structure management” in order to effectively manage health care organizations today. Of the six points made by Kaufman, pick a point that is of interest to you, and give a brief example of what you learned about that point by citing references to any of the material we covered in the first 11 modules of this course. You may wish to consider the following thoughts in constructing your answer:
? What about the point is new to you?
? What material did we cover that helped you gain insight about the topic?
? What activities outside the text helped illustrate this point to you?

Be sure to note references to authors, publications or websites when making these connections.

Kaufman, K., (2007). Taking care of your organization’s financial healthHealthcareExecutive, 22 (1), 15.

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