Research Paper

Watch the PBS documentary “Justice for Sale” and write a paper addressing the following questions. (The video can be accessed at  

Contrary to federal judges who are appointed after presidential nomination and confirmation by the senate, Texas judges are elected by voters in elections where they can raise campaign funds. Which method of judicial selection do you think is better? Why? make sure to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. 

1) The paper should be 4 to 5 pages long.

2) You have to use AT LEAST ONE SOURCE besides your textbook Texas Politics Today. In other words, you can use the textbook and your class notes as a source; however, you have to use at least one additional source. Acceptable sources include books, scholarly articles, chapters in books, etc…. (Wikipedia is not an acceptable source). If you are not confidant whether you can use a specific source, please let me know.

3) Cite all your sources using an appropriate citation style. A bibliography page is not required, it is optional.

4) The paper has to be submitted on this folder as a Word document or PDF format

 Click on this link to submit your assignment. Upload your assignment as a Word or PDF document. Make sure to properly cite any work that is not yours. Proper citation consists of using an adequate citation format (APA, Chicago, etc..). Failure to cite or to cite properly is a form of plagiarism. If a student plagiarizes, s/he will receive a ZERO for the assignment for the first violation and a grade of F for the course for the second violation.

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