In 1900, Galveston, Texas was the site of the worst natural disaster in American history
The storm came at a moment when the nation was experiencing rapid and pervasive change.
Many scholars point to this era – the so-called Gilded Age – as a time of industrialization,
technological innovation, and broad progress across the United States. They argue that many
Americans viewed the environment as a tool for development, with lands and resources
successfully being harnessed to fuel the nation’s growing industrial capacity.
Using Larsen’s Isaac’s Storm for support,
Does the story of the Galveston storm support or challenge the argument that the late 19
century was a time of technological innovation and industrial progress?
You are to offer a clear argument at the beginning of your paper, and
support your thesis with direct evidence from the text. Cite all evidence to avoid charges of
plagiarism. Primary voice (“I”) is not permitted.

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