This is SECOND PROMPTS of 2 ESSAYS FOR THIS CLASS, and there will be next Class (different topic , don’t make it wrong, put them in to different file, thank you)

International Political Economy of East Asia



I. The Questions Q1. “Some scholars who study the economic development of Japan and Korea focus too much on their state-led industrialization strategies, in particular the impact of their industrial policies. But industrial policy had little to do with their developmental success. Rather, the high-speed growth of both countries can be explained entirely by other factors, including the sound general economic policies both governments followed, the dynamism of their respective private sectors, and the favorable external context that both enjoyed.” [For the debate, Team A will AGREE with the statement and Team B will DISAGREE]

Q2. “Some scholars argue that postwar Japan and Korea followed the same basic developmental model. But these similarities were only on the surface. Rather, their domestic political and economic situations were very different, and their external circumstances were dissimilar as well. More importantly, the strategies and policies they followed were not at all similar. It is simply intellectual laziness to treat them as following the same model of development.” [For the debate, Team C will AGREE with the statement and Team D will DISAGREE]

** Remember that your team has been assigned to DEBATE only one side of these one-sided statements. For the WRITTEN part of the midterm, you must show that you understand BOTH sides of the two questions.

Note: I recognize that both of these questions are large and difficult, and that you may not feel that you have enough information to do the debate and papers. The readings are very important in this respect. Do your best, and I will grade accordingly. Don’t sweat it (TOO much).

The written portion of the exam is also due on Tuesday, February 21, right after the debates. You will be writing on BOTH of the two questions in your midterm exam. Answer one of the questions in a five-page, double-spaced essay (20% of your total grade). Answer the other in a separate one-page, single-spaced extended outline format (10% of your total grade). It is up to you to decide which of the questions to answer in which format. Use reasonable fonts and margins.

The five-page paper should be in standard essay format. You must present the main arguments and counter-arguments from BOTH sides of these one-sided statements in a fair manner and roughly equally. You of course can/should have your own position, but you must at the minimum demonstrate your understanding of the other side of the argument. Think hard about the arguments, counter-arguments, critiques, and comebacks; include in your essay only what is most crucial and relevant. This means analysis, not mere description. Remember to stay focused on the question. For the single-spaced, one-page extended outline, you will also need to cover both sides of the debate in roughly equal form. But because you are limited in space, you need to focus on the most crucial information and analysis. Consider leading off with a summary statement of one position, followed by the main substantive arguments to support that position. You should consider using “bullets” or short headings combined with prose. You should then do the same (summary statement, bullets and prose) for the other side of the debate. You should include a short, integrative conclusion. There is a lot of information to cram in, so you must economize on space. Make sure the outline is organized and that the information is presented in a clear and logical manner. For both papers, you are responsible for all materials covered in the readings, lectures, and class discussions. You need to demonstrate that you have mastered the readings for the course. For the essay, cite relevant authors when appropriate, either in footnotes, parenthetically, or in the text of your analysis. You do not need footnotes for the one-pager, but put everything into your own words. One reminder: each of you should write your own, original papers (of course). That said, I encourage you to work with your teammates in terms of the substance and even the structure of the paper. I think you will find that you can learn a lot from each other. Also, this course is not

graded on a strict curve, so you should think in non-zero-sum terms (i.e., it is OK to help each other!!). ** Please put your name on a separate front cover page, but not on subsequent pages (I prefer to grade the papers “blind”). You should include your student ID number on every page in case any of the pages are lost. **

Rubric for grading essays and outlines
I. Substance and presentation
— covers both sides, in a balanced manner; stays focused on the parameters of the debate — covers all core points, with proper emphasis on the most important arguments
— presents materials in an organized manner (demonstrating understanding of the argument) II. Strength of Analysis
— grapples with arguments on both sides, assesses validity of assumptions and evidence
— presents strong, thoughtful, deep, and insightful analysis (as opposed to mere description) — has a clear and analytically supported argument/conclusion
III. Effort
— shows evidence of having really thought about the question
— incorporates insights from the readings (i.e., not just based on lecture or group work)

For this class, I am Team C, so pick Question 2 for AGREE to be 5 pages will helpful. Or you can pick whatever your best! It’s ok

There is photo for essay sample of format for 1 page writing, check it when you doing the 1 page.

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