Book you will need : International Business (15th Edition) by John Daniels

Please read the “Tel-Comm-Tek (TCT)” case from chapter 20, and answer to the following questions. It is important for you to read the chapter carefully before attempting to answer the assignment. The learning from reading the text must be reflected in your answers. Grading criteria for case studies are listed under “course information.”

1. Identify the two key advantage of each candidate. Identify their liabilities. Rank order the candidates from most to least qualified, for the position of managing director of TCT India.

2. What operational as well as personal challenges might the person you recommend encounter if named Managing Director?

3. What steps would you recommend your preferred candidate take to manage those challenges?

4. For a moment, let’s return to the issues covered in Chapter 15 regarding the matrix structure. Assume TCT adopts this structure for its Indian operation. What benefits might result by appointing two different individuals to the position of co-managing director of TCT India – effectively, one person would supervise sales and customer relations while the other would supervise manufacturing. Each slot would command equal positional authority and each person would be charged to co-manage with his or her counterpart. What benefits problems might result from this arrangement? What problems, if any, might occur?


Prepare your responses in no more than 4 type written pages (in APA Format). There is no need to write too much. Try to stick to the points.
Conduct a spelling check carefully before submitting your response.
Write your name and assignment number at the top of the document.

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