Imagine that you are developing a prerelease plan for John Doe, who will be eligible for parole in nine months. John is 22 years old and dropped out of high school when he was 16 (a junior) to care for his sick mother and go to work to help his family. John is in prison because he and his friends from the neighborhood participated in the armed robbery of a gas station. John’s friend shot and seriously wounded the store clerk while John was outside, driving the vehicle they would use to get away. John’s only other criminal conviction is for a misdemeanor retail theft; however, due to the seriousness of the offense, John was given two years in the department of corrections. As he is incarcerated in a state that allows good-time credit to be earned, John only has to serve 12 months of his sentence before being eligible for parole. Choosing from the intensive supervision programs discussed in this unit, which program would be most appropriate for John to participate in, and why? Please make sure to support your opinion.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

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