Nurse’s Touch Guidelines


Nurse’s Touch provides interactives that will enhance students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes with important topics and scenarios in nursing practice. Each module provides case studies along with a practice and proctored assessment of content comprehension.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Describe patient‐care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population.

CO 2: Analyze data from all relevant sources, including technology, to inform the delivery of care.

CO 3: Define standardized terminology that reflects nursing’s unique contribution to patient outcomes.

CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers.

CO 5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice.

CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy.

CO 7: Examine the use of information systems to document interventions related to achieving nurse‐sensitive outcomes.

CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care.

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible:  110 points per assignment; 220 points total in course

Preparing the assignment

  1. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
    1. You must have an active ATI Student account and a computer with internet access.
      1. Firefox is the recommended browser.
      1. It is advised that you clear your browser history, cookies, and cache prior to beginning the assignment.
  2. Log into your ATI Account.
    1. Select the “Learn” tab.
    1. Click on Nurse’s Touch and select the module to complete in the weeks they are assigned.
      1. ATI Nurse’s Touch ‐ Nursing Informatics & Technology: Literacy Skills and Consumer Educational Needs
      1. ATI Nurse’s Touch ‐ Nursing Informatics & Technology: Virtual Social Networks
  3. Complete Module and Post-Test (110 points/100%)
    1. View module and complete post-test.
  4. Reflection on Learning (Complete/Incomplete)
    1. Students scoring 100% on first attempt
      1. Reflection on Learning is not required as maximum points for this assignment have been earned.
      1. May create and submit to instructor for feedback, if desired.
    1. Students scoring 90% on first attempt
      1. Select one area of growth identified on assignment feedback.
      1. Write a 50-word reflection demonstrating your understanding of how effective nursing care improves patient outcomes related to the selected topic.
    1. Students scoring 80% on first attempt
      1. Select two areas of growth identified on assignment feedback.
      1. Write a 100-word reflection demonstrating your understanding of how effective nursing care improves patient outcomes related to the selected topics.
    1. Students scoring less than 80% on first attempt
      1. Select three areas of growth identified on assignment feedback.
      1. Write a 150-word reflection demonstrating your understanding of how effective nursing care improves patient outcomes related to the selected topics.
  5. Module Retake (0-10% of assignment value)
    1. Completed module after Reflection on Learning submitted.
    1. Twenty-four (24) hours must separate the completion of the first attempt and the start of the second attempt.
    1. NOTE: Total points earned cannot exceed the value of the assignment.

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar), visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

Grading Rubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.


Assignment and Required Criteria  (Points possible/% of total points available) Highest Level of Performance High Level of Performance Satisfactory Level of Performance Unsatisfactory Level of Performance Module/Reflection Incomplete 
Completes Module & Post-Test (110 points/100%) 110 points95 points85 points 75 points 0 points  
Required criteria  View module and complete post-testAchieved 100% on first attempt.  Achieved 90% on first attempt.  Achieved 80% on first attempt.  Achieved less than 80% on first attempt.  Did not complete assignment.  
Reflection on Learning (Complete/Incomplete)0 points0 points0 points0 points0 points 
                           Required criteria Students scoring 100% on first attemptReflection on Learning is not required as maximum points for this assignment have been earned.May create and submit to instructor for feedback, if desired.Students scoring 90% on first attemptSelect one area of growth identified on feedback.Write a 50-word reflection demonstrating your understanding of how effective nursing care improves patient outcomes related to the selected topic.Students scoring 80% on first attemptSelect two areas of growth identified on feedback.Write a 100-word reflection demonstrating your understanding of how effective nursing care improves patient outcomes related to the selected topics.Students scoring less than 80% on first attemptSelect three areas of growth identified on feedback.Write a 150-word reflection demonstrating your understanding of how effective nursing care improves patient outcomes related to the selected topics.Complete No Reflection on Learning required. May create and submit to instructor for feedback, if desired.Add 5 points Completes all required criteria for Reflection on Learning based on score earned on first attempt.  Add 10 points Completes all required criteria for Reflection on Learning based on score earned on first attempt.              Add 15 points Completes all required criteria for Reflection on Learning based on score earned on first attempt.              Incomplete Did not complete a Reflection on Learning prior to retaking module ~OR~ Reflection on Learning not completed.   Students may still retake the module to increase knowledge and skills without an increase in the assignment score. 
Module Retake (0-10% of assignment value) 0 points0 points0 points 
Required criteria  Completed module after Reflection on Learning submitted.Twenty-four (24) hours must separate the completion of the first attempt and the start of the second attempt.NOTE: Total points earned cannot exceed the value of the assignment.Award 8 points (10% of assignment value) Score on retake 90-100%Award 4 points (5% of assignment value) Score on retake 80%Did not submit Reflection on Learning prior to retaking module – OR – scored less than 80% on retake – OR – did not retake module. 
Total Points Possible = 110 points 

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