Based on the novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry. Give an opinion on Individualism vs Society: Societal structure has the power to promote or limit freedom, choice,& desire. What are the consequences for a society when people have choices?(chaos because too much free will without structure) How is society impacted by personal choices?How can society balance individualism with responsibility to community? Choose representative passages (quotes from the book) & carefully deconstructing them, highlighting connotations that may not be immediately obvious to fellow readers. Each reading should further convince your reader that your overall interpretation of the text (the thesis statement) is valid. include: An intro that provides relevant background info & ends with thesis statement, 6 body paragraphs, each of which addresses a particular subtopic that relates to your thesis statement, 3 references (one is the book, and 2 other academic sources), a conclusion that reaffirms thesis statement.

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