Files Required to Load: Question#5 : titanic.csv


Write a Python program to match a string that contains only upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.

In [0]:

import re

def text_match(text):

        patterns = ‘^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$’

        #TO DO — Complete the Code

print(“text#1: ” + text_match(“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”))

print(“text#2: ” + text_match(“Python_Exercises_1”))

text#1: No match found!

text#2: Found a match!


Write a Python program to remove all whitespaces from a string.

In [0]:

import re

text1 = ‘ Python    Exercises ‘

print(“Original string:”,text1)

print(“Without extra spaces:”) #TO DO — Complete the Code

Original string:  Python    Exercises

Without extra spaces: PythonExercises


Check null values in Pandas Dataframe to return False for NaN values.

In [0]:

# importing pandas as pd

import pandas as pd

# importing numpy as np

import numpy as np

# dictionary of lists

dict = {‘First Score’:[100, 90, np.nan, 95],

        ‘Second Score’: [30, 45, 56, np.nan],

        ‘Third Score’:[np.nan, 40, 80, 98]}

# creating a dataframe using dictionary

df = pd.DataFrame(dict)

#TO DO — Complete the Code


First Score        Second Score             Third Score

0           True     True     False

1           True     True     True

2           False    True     True

3           True     False    True


Merge DataFrames df1 and df2 .

In [0]:

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({‘lkey’: [‘faa’, ‘baa’, ‘bzz’, ‘faa’],

                    ‘value’: [2, 3, 5, 7]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({‘rkey’: [‘faa’, ‘baa’, ‘bzz’, ‘faa’],

                    ‘value’: [7, 8, 9, 10]})

#TO DO — Complete the Code


lkey      value_x             rkey             value_y

0           faa        2           faa             7

1           faa        2           faa             10

2           faa        7           faa             7

3           faa        7           faa             10

4           baa       3           baa             8

5           bzz       5           bzz             9


Write a Pandas program to create a Pivot table with multiple indexes from the data set of titanic.csv

In [1]:

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv(‘titanic.csv’)

result =  #TO DO — Complete the Code


              Unnamed: 15  adult_male  alone      fare  parch  pclass  sibsp  \

sex    age                                                                    

female 0.75           0.0         0.0    0.0   38.5166      2       6      4  

       1.00           0.0         0.0    0.0   26.8750      3       6      1  

       2.00           0.0         0.0    0.0  259.4750      9      15      9  

       3.00           0.0         0.0    0.0   62.6542      3       5      4  

       4.00           0.0         0.0    0.0  114.1417      6      13      4  

       5.00           0.0         0.0    1.0   90.8708      5      11      7  

       6.00           0.0         0.0    0.0   64.2750      3       5      4  

       7.00           0.0         0.0    0.0   26.2500      2       2      0  

       8.00           0.0         0.0    0.0   47.3250      3       5      3  

       9.00           0.0         0.0    0.0  108.7958      7      12     10  

       10.00          0.0         0.0    0.0   24.1500      2       3      0  

       11.00          0.0         0.0    0.0   31.2750      2       3      4  

       13.00          0.0         0.0    1.0   26.7292      1       5      0  

       14.00          0.0         0.0    1.0  169.1667      2       9      3  

       14.50          0.0         0.0    0.0   14.4542      0       3      1  

       15.00          0.0         0.0    2.0  241.0459      1      10      1  

       16.00          0.0         0.0    3.0  246.2625      4      12      5  

       17.00          0.0         0.0    3.0  210.7833      2      12      6  

       18.00          0.0         0.0    4.0  697.0167      9      31      6  

       19.00          0.0         0.0    3.0  215.0959      2      13      3  

       20.00          0.0         0.0    1.0   18.4875      0       6      1  

       21.00          0.0         0.0    4.0  410.4333      4      16      5  

       22.00          0.0         0.0    7.0  444.1084      6      26      3  

       23.00          0.0         0.0    3.0  405.5417      2      10      4  

       24.00          0.0         0.0    7.0  772.1708     15      31     10  

       25.00          0.0         0.0    1.0  223.2500      4      11      3  

       26.00          0.0         0.0    3.0  136.7292      1      12      2  

       27.00          0.0         0.0    2.0   76.8916      3      15      2  

       28.00          0.0         0.0    4.0  110.9458      1      16      3  

       29.00          0.0         0.0    2.0  320.6208      7      16      3  

…                   …         …    …       …    …     …    …  

male   42.00          0.0        10.0    6.0  216.1084      1      21      3  

       43.00          0.0         3.0    2.0   40.7500      1       8      1  

       44.00          0.0         6.0    3.0  156.1250      1      15      3  

       45.00          0.0         6.0    5.0  187.1000      0      10      1  

       45.50          0.0         2.0    2.0   35.7250      0       4      0  

       46.00          0.0         3.0    2.0  166.3750      0       4      1  

       47.00          0.0         7.0    7.0  181.3583      0      12      0  

       48.00          0.0         5.0    3.0  176.1334      0       8      2  

       49.00          0.0         4.0    1.0  256.9167      1       6      3  

       50.00          0.0         5.0    2.0  317.0250      0       8      4  

       51.00          0.0         6.0    5.0  123.3084      1      13      0  

       52.00          0.0         4.0    3.0  136.6500      1       6      1  

       54.00          0.0         5.0    3.0  195.1500      1       8      1  

       55.00          0.0         1.0    1.0   30.5000      0       1      0  

       55.50          0.0         1.0    1.0    8.0500      0       3      0  

       56.00          0.0         3.0    3.0   92.7458      0       3      0  

       57.00          0.0         1.0    1.0   12.3500      0       2      0  

       58.00          0.0         2.0    1.0  142.9750      2       2      0  

       59.00          0.0         2.0    2.0   20.7500      0       5      0  

       60.00          0.0         3.0    1.0  144.7500      2       4      2  

       61.00          0.0         3.0    3.0   72.0583      0       5      0  

       62.00          0.0         3.0    3.0   63.6000      0       4      0  

       64.00          0.0         2.0    1.0  289.0000      4       2      1  

       65.00          0.0         3.0    2.0   96.2792      1       5      0  

       66.00          0.0         1.0    1.0   10.5000      0       2      0  

       70.00          0.0         2.0    1.0   81.5000      1       3      1  

       70.50          0.0         1.0    1.0    7.7500      0       3      0  

       71.00          0.0         2.0    2.0   84.1584      0       2      0  

       74.00          0.0         1.0    1.0    7.7750      0       3      0  

       80.00          0.0         1.0    1.0   30.0000      0       1      0  


sex    age             

female 0.75          2 

       1.00          2 

       2.00          2 

       3.00          1 

       4.00          5 

       5.00          4 

       6.00          1 

       7.00          1 

       8.00          1 

       9.00          0 

       10.00         0 

       11.00         0 

       13.00         2 

       14.00         3 

       14.50         0 

       15.00         4 

       16.00         5 

       17.00         5 

       18.00         8 

       19.00         7 

       20.00         0 

       21.00         4 

       22.00        10 

       23.00         4 

       24.00        14 

       25.00         2 

       26.00         3 

       27.00         5 

       28.00         5 

       29.00         5 

…                … 

male   42.00         3 

       43.00         0 

       44.00         1 

       45.00         2 

       45.50         0 

       46.00         0 

       47.00         0 

       48.00         3 

       49.00         2 

       50.00         1 

       51.00         1 

       52.00         1 

       54.00         0 

       55.00         0 

       55.50         0 

       56.00         1 

       57.00         0 

       58.00         0 

       59.00         0 

       60.00         1 

       61.00         0 

       62.00         1 

       64.00         0 

       65.00         0 

       66.00         0 

       70.00         0 

       70.50         0 

       71.00         0 

       74.00         0 

       80.00         1 

[145 rows x 8 columns]


Write a Python program to visualize the state/province wise Active cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in USA.

In [ ]:

HW#3B Data Load Process

Files Required to Load: Question#3 : test.txt ; Question#4 : countries.csv


Write a Python program to convert JSON data to Python object.

In [1]:

import json

json_obj =  ‘{ “Name”:”David”, “Class”:”I”, “Age”:6 }’

python_obj = #TO DO — Complete the Code

print(“\nJSON data:”)


print(“\nName: “,python_obj[“Name”])

print(“Class: “,python_obj[“Class”])

print(“Age: “,python_obj[“Age”])

JSON data:

{‘Name’: ‘David’, ‘Class’: ‘I’, ‘Age’: 6}

Name:  David

Class:  I

Age:  6


Write a Python program to convert Python object to JSON data

In [2]:

import json

# a Python object (dict):

python_obj = {

  “name”: “David”,


  “age”: 6 



# convert into JSON:

j_data = #TO DO — Complete the Code

# result is a JSON string:


<class ‘dict’>

{“name”: “David”, “class”: “I”, “age”: 6}


Write a python program to find the longest words in the provided text file.

In [3]:

def longest_word(filename):

    with open(filename, ‘r’) as infile:

              words = #TO DO — Complete the Code

     max_len = #TO DO — Complete the Code

               words =


[‘general-purpose,’, ‘object-oriented,’]


Write a Python program to read a given CSV file having tab delimiter.

In [4]:

import csv

with open(‘countries.csv’, newline=”) as csvfile:

 data = #TO DO — Complete the Code

 for row in data:

   print(‘, ‘.join(row))

country_id country_name region_id

AR Argentina 2

AU Australia 3

BE Belgium 1

BR Brazil 2

CA Canada 2

CH Switzerland 1

CN China 3

DE Germany 1

DK Denmark 1

EG Egypt 4

FR France 1

HK HongKong 3

IL Israel 4

IN India 3

IT Italy 1

JP Japan 3

KW Kuwait 4

MX Mexico 2

NG Nigeria 4

N Netherlands 1

SG Singapore 3

UK United Kingdom 1

US United States of America 2

ZM Zambia 4

ZW Zimbabwe 4


Write a Python program to create a SQLite database and connect with the database and print the version of the SQLite database.

In [14]:

import sqlite3


   sqlite_Connection = sqlite3.connect(‘temp.db’)

   conn = sqlite_Connection.cursor()

   print(“\nDatabase created and connected to SQLite.”)

   sqlite_select_Query = “select sqlite_version();”

   #TO DO — Complete the Code

   record = conn.fetchall()

   print(“\nSQLite Database Version is: “, record)


except sqlite3.Error as error:

   print(“\nError while connecting to sqlite”, error)


   if (sqlite_Connection):


       print(“\nThe SQLite connection is closed.”)

Database created and connected to SQLite.

SQLite Database Version is:  [(‘3.33.0’,)]

The SQLite connection is closed.


Write a Python program to create a table and insert some records in that table. Finally selects all rows from the table and display the records.

create a table CREATE TABLE salesman(salesman_id n(5), name char(30), city char(35), commission decimal(7,2));

insert some records INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5001,’James Hoog’, ‘NY’, 0.15);

INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5002,’Nail Knite’, ‘Paris’, 0.25);

INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5003,’Pit Alex’, ‘London’, 0.15);

INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5004,’Mc Lyon’, ‘Paris’, 0.35);

INSERT INTO salesman VALUES(5005,’Paul Adam’, ‘Rome’, 0.45);

display the records SELECT * FROM salesman;

In [15]:

import sqlite3

#TO DO — Complete the Code

print(“creating connecting …”)

conn  =  sqlite3.connect (‘mydatabase.db’ )

conn . close ()

print(“\nThe SQLite connection is closed.”)

creating connecting …

The SQLite connection is closed.

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