Whole Foods Market Inc. is an American supermarket chain exclusively featuring foods without 

artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners, and hydrogenated fats. Visit their website,

, and read about the company, its mission and values, etc. Identify 

what type of strategy (Chapter 2) Whole Foods uses to compete. 

The identification of the company’s strategy should be included in 

a title heading and/or the first sentence of your response. Next, 

examine some of the journal literature regarding this particular strategy. 

Use this literature to substantiate your discussion of why this strategy 

works for Whole Foods and how the business strategy impacts human 

resource management (HRM) at the company. Cite all of the references 

that you use in APA format in-text and on a reference page. This assignment should be double 

spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margin

 General Written Assignment Grading Rubric 

Depth and Quality of   the Response

I   will consider how detailed your discussion is, how far into depth you go, and   whether you make a rational argument. 


Thoroughly   discusses and evaluates the HR issue at hand, providing convincing and   supported arguments.


Discusses   and evaluates the HR issue at hand, providing supported arguments, but could   have gone into a bit more depth.


Discusses   and evaluates the HR issue at hand, providing supported arguments, but could   have gone into much more depth.


Fails   to discuss and evaluate the HR issue at hand, does not provide convincing or   supported arguments, and lacks any significant degree of depth.


Literature Review of   the HR Issue—Reference Support

The   more reference support you use, the better. The quality of the journals is   also important.


Provides   a complete and clear review of the scholarly journal literature. Empirical   research from multiple journal articles provided strong support for the   discussion. Several of the journal articles used came from top-tier journals.


Provides   a substantial and clear review of the scholarly journal literature. Empirical   research from journal articles provided support for most of the discussion.   More references could have been used and more could have come from top-tier   journals.


Provides   an adequate and clear review of the journal literature, but several parts of   the discussion lacked strong support from the empirical research presented in   journal articles. Most of the articles came from lower-level journals.


Provides   an incomplete review of the journal literature and fails to support the   knowledge associated with issue at hand. The few articles that were used came   from low-level journals or websites.


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