Question1 :
English is known for its irregular and inconsistent spelling rules. For example, the letter ‘e’ stands for the vowel [ɪ] in the words disk, with, sit and for the vowel [ə]/[ɜ] in the words bird, girl, shirt. Provide a plausible explanation of these differences. If your explanation includes more than one sound change, speculate which one must have occurred earlier. (600 words)
Question 2:
Sentences A, B, and C are three versions of the same text written at different times. Compare the three texts and identify the period when each text was written. Please explain, using phonological, morphological or syntactic evidence. Be specific, give examples. (600 words)
A. And the seruauntes of the hosebonde camen, and seiden to him: “Lord, wher thou hast nat sowen good seed in thi feeld? Wolt thou that we goon, and gaderen hem?”
B. þa cāmon þas hlāferdes þēowas and cwǣdon: “Hlāford, hū ne sēow þū god sǣd on þīnum æcere? Wilt þū wē gāð 7 gaderiað hie?”
C. So the servants of the householder came and said vnto him, “Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?”
þēow / seruaunt – servant
þa – then
þas – that, the
camen / cāmon – came (Irreg. past tense of come)
hosebonde / hlāferd– lord, master
cwædon / seiden – said (Past tense of cwæðan, seien)
wilt / wolt – want (Present, 2nd, Sg.)
wher – where
hū – how
thou / þū – you-sg
thi / þīn / thy – your-sg
goon / gāþ – go (Present, pl.)
feeld / æcer – field
gaderiað / gaderen – gather
hie / hem – they, them
vnto – to