
“History and Revolution of e-Learning”  Please respond to the following:

· Describe three ways in which the Internet has changed any or all of these: (a) information, (b) communication, and (c) education. Comment on the positive and negative aspects of the three changes you identified. 

·  Debate It: Take a position for or against the following statement: Public school districts should focus the majority of their technology resources on e-Learning delivery methods. Support your position with at least three reasons and examples.


“Media Psychology and Globalization”  Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss at least three ways the Internet environment affects cognition, motivation, and learning. Comment on the positive and negative aspects of the three ways you identified.
  • From the e-Activity above, discuss at least three of the signs you found, highlighting their meaning and their effectiveness for e-Learning environments that are accessed by people from different countries and different cultures. Provide the Website(s) and any article you referenced in your discussion, using the appropriate APA style.

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