4 Essay Questions, 150 words for each question response. Each question should have their own/one source.

Question 1. What is Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)? Provide an example of what Performance Improvement issue would fall under a DFMEA:
Example not to be used: You have a new Bar Coding Patient Medication Dispensing software. Working out the new process would be needed to anticipate potential medication errors (we don’t want errors!). Implementation of this new patient safety process would fall under this DFMEA process.

Question 2. Study the questions asked in the Baldrige Criteria- then select what you believe are two of the “top 10” most difficult questions for an organization to answer and justify your reasoning. 

Question 3. Over the past decade social media has taken center stage as a tool for communication. How has social media changed how both consumers and organizations deal with quality? How can organizations exploit social media in their quality approaches and decisions?

Question 4. Explain the time value of money principle and also identify the underlying assumption of that principle.

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