Subjects for the paper will be provided and the length will be 7-10 pages double spaced, in Arial or Times New Roman, font size – 12, and in Word format.
Sources should be listed as footnotes at the END of the paper. Pages should be numbered. References by numbers to footnotes should appear in the text of the paper and correspond to the appropriate numbered endnote/footnote at the end of the paper. Please place your footnotes/endnotes at the end of your term paper even though the author of the Premises Liability article did not.
Wikipedia/internet is valid and helpful in the real world but unacceptable as a legal source of support in the legal world, so please don’t cite Wikipedia/http:www in your footnotes. Cite the actual case that appears on the internet; Ex: Smith v. Jones SW3rd 422 (Tex. 2010) at page 424 Justice Gonzales stated that “…an expert report from a medical doctor was required…”
Topics: (Choose 1) and fully explain the topic thoroughly and in detail.
- Research and comment on the types, function, and legal processes of corporate structures such as LLC, LLP, Inc; Close and Public Corporations, and the structure and hierarchy of hospitals in the USA including its committee hierarchy and responsibilities, employees v. independent contractors, exclusive contracts, and prevention of lawsuits and tort liability by hospital boards, officers, and employees.
- Criminal Aspects of Health Care.
- Texas Futile Law, DNR’s, Medical Power of Attorney or similar end-of-life documents.