
Refer to this resource when completing the It’s All About the HAT assignment.

In this assignment, students will learn to use and identify tools that may be helpful in their navigation of security related events or incidents under investigation.

Web Inspector is a cloud-based service that inspects a website for malware, detects vulnerabilities to being attacked, and protects the organizations through daily malware scanning, blacklist monitoring, and more.

Use Web Inspector to scan a site; when you are done, capture a screenshot and investigate the results under Link Errors, Emails, Structure, and NetSpy. Make sure to provide the name and link to the website downloaded.

Using your choice of hat color, in 750-1,250 words provide different hacking, security methods, and network security protections in the areas of cryptograph, denial of service, spoofing, and worms.

Attach the screenshot, website name, and link to the website downloaded by Web Inspector.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

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