For assessment of this module, you are required to produce a portfolio of 2000 words and deliver a 10-minute presentation. This is worth 60% of the module marks. At Masters level we need to demonstrate your ability for critical thinking, and this gives you an opportunity to showcase your knowledge and critical thinking skills. Key to this goal is selection of an appropriate paper. Some general guidance is given below:
Paper Selection:
- We will provide a short selection of original research papers that is aligned to the content of the module (not a review articles)
- These are published recently (within the last two years)
- You will be expected to read this paper in full and to critically evaluate this work in a 2000-word report
- You will also need to read work of others on this topic to assess the contribution of the paper being evaluated
- You will additionally be expected to make a 10-minute summary based upon your findings (8 minutes talking & 2 minutes questions)
Guidance on what to include in your review:
- You should consider the merits and weaknesses of the study (some papers will include a section on limitations of their study)
- What are the key contributions of this work to our understanding of the topic?
- How does this work fit with existing knowledge of the topic
- You will need to research the wider topic area to do this
- You will need to cite your sources correctly and provide a full reference list at the end of your portfolio
- How inclusive were the authors in their use of the broader topic-related literature?
- What was the test sample group (if appropriate)?
- Was this sufficiently sized and from locations to avoid selection bias?
- Similarly, how were controls selected and could these result in bias?
- How was the data analysed?
- Was this appropriate?
- Was data analysis suitably robust?
- How was the data presented and could this be improved?
- Did the study highlight new knowledge gaps?
- What is the likely impact of this work?