Use and click on the PhET Simulation link: ‪Gravity and Orbits (  Make sure to click Gravity Force, Velocity and Path and make sure Gravity is checked On. Run several simulations, changing parameters as you go.

Answer the following 10 questions then submit this lab workksheet with the answers in Blackboard:

  1. What direction is the gravitational force of the orbiting objects?
  • What direction is the velocity of the orbiting object?
  • If you turn gravity off, what happens?  Why does this happen?
  • If you increase the mass of the Sun, provide an explanation of what happens to the Earth .
  • If you decrease the mass of the Sun, provide an explanation of what happens to the Earth .

6. If you increase the mass of the Earth, and drop the mass of the Sun, what happens?        

7. Move the satellite closer to the object it is orbiting and further from the object it is orbiting.  Describe what happens and explain why this happens.

8. Do you think changing the mass of the satellite ONLY will change the orbit?

                        (Choose one)                       Yes                             No

9. Change the mass of the satellite only. Explain what happens.

10. Invent a previously untried set of changes to make something interesting happen. Describe what you did, and what the effects were.

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