Final Global Essay

Term Paper [10% of total grade]

Your total paper at the end of the semester will be a minimum of  5 pages [title page and references are not included] , double spaced, 1 inch margin, Times New Roman, font size 12, minimum 10 references, Turn It In similarity score less than 10% [if higher than 10%, automatic 0 for the paper].  Go to the Writing Center for help and grading.

MLA style for references to be embedded into the text. References will be checked. Use the following as a

Then, submit it to  turnItIn similarity score must be less than 10%

Grading rubric: 65 points

  1. Formatting correct: 5 points
  2. Formal research paper tone and Grammarly check report: 10 points
  3. àcareer goal with a minimum of three references in the body of the text: 10 points
  4. in the body of the text: 10 points
  5. : 10 points
  6. References in the body of the text matches the references in the Reference page: 5 points
  7. TurnItIn similarity score: less than 10%: 5 points
  8. Evidence of going to writing center, they will grade your paper according to the rubric: 10 points

Your name



Part 1: Discussion of your major/career goal with a minimum of three references in the body of the text, minimum of two pages

Part 2: Discussion of sustainable developmental goal [global challenge] and country with a minimum of three references in the body of the text, minimum of two pages

Part 3: Discussion of your suggested solutions that is related to your major/career goal and a chapter in physical science/general physics II towards the global challenge in your selected country with a minimum of four references in the body of the text, minimum of two pages

References: Minimum of  ten

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