Assignment instruction  

The genogram can be scanned in or photographed and emailed as an attachment. Please only send it as a Jpeg, Doc, or PDF. I can also not open HEIC or GNO files.

It should include at minimum three generations (you, your parents & grandparents) or if you have been adopted or are in a family of choice include your chosen family’s information. Also please include three emotional relationships within the family system. Please include pets, best friends, partners, and family members in your extended family if you want to. You can diagram your genogram in Word.

You can also choose to draw it by hand, it must be extremely neat and legible. Please use a ruler & template for circles, squares, and lines. 

 Please write up a description to go along with your genogram visual picture. Explain what is in your genogram.

Research one of these theorists: Elaine Pinderhughes, Kenneth Hardy, Insoo Berg, Ester Perel, Harry Aponte, Mamie Phipps Clark/Kenneth Bancroft Clark and find four facts that are about this individual and how they are contributing to the contextual social work ( see the lecture for this week (i.e., critical race, feminism, etc.) and add them to the Padlet. Respond to one peer’s comments by connecting what they said to the lecture. 

4. Theorist Padlet

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