Please read “Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022” in the Getting Started menu folder on the left, pick one trend that interests you to study by using FIVE or more reading sources on the topic. You may use UHV online library or other relevant online or offline sources. To complete Final Exam Part 2, you need to answer the following questions (10 points for each, 50 points in total):

  1. Please define the selected trend and describe major features of the trend.
  2. Please describe current technology components of the selected trend (hardware, software, data, etc.).
  3. What do you think will be the implications for adopting or implementing the selected trend in organizations?
  4. What are the major concerns including security and privacy issues with the selected trend? Are there any safeguards in use?
  5. What might be the potential values and possible applications of the selected trend for the workplace you belong to (if you are not working currently, please talk with your friend or family member who is working to get some idea)?

Please use a Word document (not a pdf file) to answer these five questions based on your knowledge and experience in MIS/DA. Please keep each question above your answer. Times New Roman with size 12 or Arial font with size 10 using1.5 spacing is preferred. Each answer should follow the relevant question. Roughly, half a page should be the maximum length of an answer, though the actual length of each answer may vary based on the question. You should, at least, use five reading sources in answering the questions. The reference sources used in your answers should be cited in the text and listed at the end. Your file name should follow this pattern: <Final Exam Part 2_YourFirstName YourLastName>. Please submit your file by selecting the relevant link in learning Module 7. 

lose 10 points each day if you submit Part 2 late. Further, Final Exam Part 2 is to test your individual problem-solving capability. It should be an independent work. If I see any identical answers from students, all those involved will be treated as cheating and get zero for the relevant question(s).

Please message me in Blackboard if you have any questions. Good luck!

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