Write a 1-2 page (not including any visuals) expanded definition of an item (tool, machine, object, etc.) from your work, your major, or any area of interest.
Keep in mind that it should be as specific as possible since this is only to be 1-2 pages. For example, instead of defining “teaching,” you would want to define a term, object, etc. associated with teaching like “rubrics.”
First sentence is a sentence definition of the term, and then expand the definition
This needs to be written to meet the needs of a general audience (i.e. non-technical)
Possible topics include computer-aided design, gyroscope, microprocessor, chemotherapy, stethoscope, defibrillator, etc.
Assignment heading (your name, my name, course, date) at the top left
Format: 1 inch page margins, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, at least 1 page in length (not including visuals)
Correct MUGS (Mechanics, Usage of words, Grammar, and Sentence Structure)
Written to meet the needs of a non-technical audience (define jargon and abstract terms in a plain, objective style as needed)
Begins with a clear sentence definition:
(1) the term being defined, (2) the specific class to which the term belongs, and (3) the features that differentiate the term from others in its class.
Very clearly, and in separate paragraphs, uses at least 4 of the 9 expansion methods, stating which method is being used in a heading above each paragraph:
Etymology, History/Background, Negation, Operating Principle, Analysis of Parts, Visuals (must be helpful in defining your topic or it won’t count!), Comparison/Contrast, Required Materials or Conditions, Example
Headings above each paragraph, stating which expansion method is being used.
Be sure that you choose expansion methods that will best define your topic, and will best help a non-technical reader to comprehend
Organization (see pages 404-407 in the textbook):
Paragraphs are unified, clear, and have topic sentences
Paragraphs are in a logical order