Writing Assignments: Expectations are that you will write at least 3 informed paragraphs (each paragraph being about 5-6 sentences) for the essay questions, and at least one paragraph for the short answers. The questions will come from the text and from my notes of important literatures and concepts in international politics. When answering questions, I would urge you to provide a good background of the issue in your responses.

(Please answer only one essay question): 8 points

· Describe the main characteristics of a nation and explain why not all nations are nation-states. Finally, what role has modern nationalism played in the formation of nation-states?

· Distinguish between the phenomenon of McWorld and the culture of Jihad. Give examples illustrating both tendencies in today’s world. Which of the two do you think will set the stage for the future? Why?

Short Answer (Please answer three of five questions): 12 points (4 points each)

· Discuss the ways in which nationalism is a builder.

· List and explain three ways in which nationalism is a destroyer.

· Describe three scenarios in which there is a lack of fit between nation and state.

· What are three goals of the transnational women’s movement?

· List and explain three sources of conflict between the Islamic and non-Islamic world.

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