This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):

COURSE: Analyze theories of motivation to improve employee performance.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

GEL-6.02: Incorporate outside research into an original work appropriately.

You read about motivation and were provided an opportunity to practice with motivation concepts. Now you will apply motivation concepts to a work situation. Read the fictional scenario and then address the checklist items provided below in an expository essay.

Scenario: The Tailor Building Works Company modifies and builds portable offices and homes based on customized plans using everything from shipping containers, to modular homes. The company has been in business 20 years and has prided itself on providing a very competitive salary and great benefits as well as retaining most of their original employees since they began. While they started out the company doing creative designs and one of a kind housing and office buildings originally, much of the routine work in the factory is now done robotically. But they still need a supervisor and technicians to keep the operations running, and the construction crew who actually deliver and construct the products on site. Now the designs might be modified a bit but are already in their computer and ready to produce with some small modifications when needed. There are two main engineers, one who predominantly works on high-end mansions, and the other who predominantly works on corporate office projects back at the main offices.

The CEO and President (i.e., the husband and wife team who are the founders), are the ones that meet with prospective corporate clients and negotiate the prices and building parameters. While the company used to also construct low income housing, the clients are now almost exclusively, wealthy private clients or corporate titans. The CEO and his wife (who is the president), are beginning to think about retirement. They want to keep the company running but they cannot understand why the two engineers seem unmotivated when they are receiving such competitive salaries and great benefits with three weeks’ vacation a year. In addition, the production line has had more problems of late and the supervisor seems to be coming in late several times a week as have the technicians. They are worried about the future of the company they built.

Checklist: Minimum Submission Requirements

  • Summarize the problems at the company that are possibly affecting employee motivation and performance.
  • Analyze motivation theories as provided in your text and Learning Activities (providing proper attribution)to explain the engineers’ lack of motivation.
  • Analyze motivation theories as provided in your text and Learning Activities (providing proper attribution)to explain the supervisor’s, technicians’, and construction crew’s lack of motivation.
  • Explain how the CEO and president might better motivate employees to improve performance.
  • Do some Library research and provide a short quote with the appropriate citations from each of at least two (2) scholarly* articles that integrate research into your analysis to provide support for your claims. These citations should have accompanying references on the separate reference page following APA 6th edition format and style. Your essay should demonstrate a clear and sustained point of view.
  • Submit your 2–3 page expository essay using the 6th edition APA formatting and citation style (see the Academic Tools area of the course) with additional title and reference pages to the Dropbox.

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