a) Summarize and explain the major EEOC laws related to the recruiting process. How can recruiters and hiring managers reduce the risk of adverse impact

b) Discuss three methods of recruiting to obtain a diverse group of applicants and explain why they are effective.

c) Explain the concept of employment at will. What are the risks and benefits of employment at will doctrine? How is the employment at will doctrine influenced by EEOC laws?

d) Application: Read the Module 2 Case and in-depth scenario 1. Draft a short memo to the founders of HSS to address the issues with the hiring practices. Specifically, address what laws or regulations may apply, organizational risks and discuss suggestions for how the hiring practices at HSS should be modified. You may use a word document if you like or provide your proposal in the content of your response window.

Be sure to provide the references for the sources of the information you used including the material provided in the classroom.

**Recruit Diversity- 


**Employment at Will-


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