
Title: Choose one area of learning and development as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Critically examine current research evidence of learning and development in your chosen area and discuss practical implications for early years provision. Include a critical evaluation of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework policy guidelines.


  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts and theories, including the related empirical evidence, in a particular area of child development,
  • focus on current knowledge and understanding of learning and development in your chosen area of child development,
  • identify and critically analyse implications for early years provision,
  • reflect on the guidelines provided in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (Department for Education)
  • use the APA referencing system (the use of software is recommended, e.g., Endnote)


• Department for Education, EYFS

  • ! Your selection of readings, i.e. Do your own research (e.g., journal articles; use online bibliographic databases, e.g., British Education Index, ERIC, PsychInfo, the Library Catalogue etc)

EYFS Areas of Learning and Development

  1. Communication and language development
  2. Physical development
  3. Personal, social and emotional development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the world
  7. Expressive arts and design

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