499: Explain why firms experience evolutionary cycles in which there is a fit between strategy and structure, punctuated with periods in which strategy and structure are reshaped. Provide examples of global firms that have experienced this pattern.
- Choose a CEO of a prominent firm that you believe exemplifies the positive aspects of strategic leadership.
- What actions does this CEO take that demonstrate effective strategic leadership?
- What are the effects of those actions on the firm’s performance?
475: Find an outreach event involving your selected company (Proctor & Gamble)? How does their participation in the event align with their stance as a business in the community? Does the company’s involvement in this outreach activity align with its mission, vision, values?
- How (or does) the company benefit from sponsoring the event? How do you think this event brings your community together? How does the community view the company sponsoring the event?
475: Companies often project their corporate values on their suppliers through a supplier code of conduct or similarly named requirements. Writing these requirements can be arduous and require the input of multiple stakeholders.
- What is the supplier code of conduct for your selected company?
- If you were asked to create this code for your company, discuss how you would assemble a team or committee to write it. How would the committee work? Who would be included on the committee?