In this Discussion Board you will demonstrate an understanding of some of the fundamental concepts about sculpture as presented  in the class material.

Public sculptures like Michelangelo’s David and Paul Zenian’s Gateless Gate have served a role beyond their purely aesthetic role, often making a social, religious or political statement, and in some cases creating controversy.  Demonstrate this point.

An iconic case of controversy in sculpture is Richard Serra’s Tilted Arc, which was actually dismantled soon after its installation following a public outcry and subsequent hearing. Watch the video: Paul Zenian and the Gateless Gate (22:45 minutes)

Part 1

Summarize the role that the Gateless Gate was intended to serve for the WCC community. Be sure to address the following aspects:

  • Briefly introduce the sculpture and its setting.
  • Whose idea was it to create a landmark sculpture at WCC?
  • How did the symbolic concept change over time? How did the minimalist form influence the meaning of the sculpture?
  • How was the sculpture’s design, construction and placement dictated by practical concerns? Why choose Cor Ten steel? How is the sculpture supported – do the pieces really balance precariously?

Part 2

Consider the role of public sculpture in our society today. Think of a public sculpture that you have seen (maybe one in Metro Detroit?) that has made a bold statement, either causing a controversy or creating a sense of unity in its community.
Make sure to:

  • Give the basic details of the sculpture: artist, title, medium, subject matter, patron, etc.
  • Discuss the site: why was it placed there? Was that the original site? If it was moved (or removed) please explain why.
  • Discuss the original function of the statue? Does it serve the same function today?
  • Discuss any controversies relating to the sculpture? Was it controversial? Why?
  • Post an image of your sculpture.

For full credit make sure you address all aspects of this discussion board and answer the specific questions for both artists.  Respond to two other posts including two of our established categories (see general instructions).

Reminder:  All posts are written to the uninformed reader and should contain an introductory statement and a conclusion.   For complete information on word-count, format, and writing requirements of discussion boards, consult the directions found in the Course Introduction tab on Bb.  

Watch the video: Paul Zenian and the Gateless Gate 00:22:45

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