When Thomas Jefferson envisioned the future of the American nation, he imagined a land full of small, independent farmers. But, by the end of the nineteenth century, it was clear that America would turn into an industrial giant, with more and more people employed by businesses, rather than running their own small farms or companies.Using material from your reading:

  1. Explain two specific ways that American society changed as a result of its Industrial Revolution.
  2. Provide your reaction to how the government responded (or failed to respond) to these changes.


  • Post at least two substantive responses to your peers.
  • Responses should help you and your peers help make meaning of the reading, demonstrate active participation in academic discourse, and express ideas with clarity.
  • Responses could include suggestions for further resources, questions of clarification, or providing context and insight. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why, and then thoughtfully further the conversation.

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