Write an applied exegetical paper for an academic leadership journal of your choice making use of any one of the texture analyses of socio-rhetorical criticism (you may not use Interpretive Journey although it may influence your process) applied to a text of your choice.
Use the journal’s submission guide to format your paper correctly. Irrespective of journal guidelines, your project should be 4,000-6,000 words for the body (not including cover page, abstract, bibliography, and other elements). Consult both the Robbins text (for the correct methodology) and the deSilva and/or Duvall/Hays texts (for background and contextual information on your choice of text). Use the scripture analysis to critique, refine, or enhance a contemporary theory/practice. Helpful resources can be found in the library databases to expand your resources on both the scripture material (ATLA database recommended) and your leadership theory/practice. It is not unusual to have 3+ pages of resources for a paper of this length.
The paper should be written in APA format unless otherwise approved by your professor.
Make sure that you send an initial research proposal that includes the passage, SRC method, and leadership theory the analysis will intersect to your grading professor for approval and guidance.

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