Paper Title: CYCLE OF CHANGE Case
Pages: 5 full pages (not to including title or reference page)
Sources: (4)
Instructions: Please if you have any questions, please reach out to me and if paper is completed before due date, please upload file. I will give you access to my library so you can you sources only from my library or the one provided only. Use headings and subheadings. Only use source that are provide.
Module 4 – Case
Case Assignment
For the Module 4 Case Assignment, you will use the Cycle of Change Model from Chapter 2 of Campbell (2014) to evaluate the organizational transformation process of a well-known company: Caterpillar, Incorporated.
Read the following from Bouchard (2014) The Caterpillar Way: Lessons in Leadership, Growth, and Shareholder Value, and the case study from Neilson and Pasternack (2005) about Caterpillar’s organizational transformation, titled The Cat that Came Back. As you read through these two sources, be sure that you carefully consider how the various steps in the Cycle of Change Model were employed by Caterpillar as it undertook its massive, yet immensely successful organizational transformation. Essentially, Caterpillar “wrote the book” on how significant organizational change should be successfully accomplished.
Campbell, H. (2014). Managing organizational change: A practical toolkit for leaders. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Bouchard, C. T., & Koch, J. V. (2014). The Caterpillar way: Lessons in leadership, growth, and shareholder value. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Neilson, G. L., & Pasternack, B. A. (2005). The cat that came back. Strategy+Business. Retrieved from
After reading the two Caterpillar sources, write a 5- to 6-page paper using 3 scholarly sources, and respond to the following:
- Apply the Cycle of Change Model to the Caterpillar case study. That is,
- Direct the change: Minimally, describe the process by which Caterpillar determined the nature and scope of the change needed. Did the organization explicitly state what the expected outcome(s) of the transformation would be? How well was the change articulated?
- Drive the change: How was the company’s new vision made known? What was the process for “driving” and energizing people involved with and responsible for the organizational transformation?
- Deliver the change: Describe the process by which Caterpillar delivered the change (e.g., project management).
- Prepare for the change: Discuss Caterpillar’s change management process; how were the company’s people and culture prepared for such a massive transformation?
- How was the change propagated throughout the organization?
- What benefits/value did Caterpillar realize from the organizational transformation process? Were the outcomes consistent with the benefits that were contemplated at the outset of the planning process?
- With the understanding that Caterpillar’s transformation was tremendously successful, provide your impressions concerning the extent to which Caterpillar adhered to the Cycle of Change Model.
- Related to Item No. 2, what did Caterpillar do particularly well in terms of following the Cycle of Change Model sequence?
- Conclude your paper by providing recommendations on what Caterpillar might have done differently to improve the organizational transformation.
The following source may also be helpful to you in the completion of the Case Assignment, as it provides very current background on Caterpillar:
Ibis World. Available in Additional Library Resources in the Trident Online Library.
Assignment Expectations
- Your task for this assignment is to “map” the events you’ve read in the case study to the various steps in the Cycle of Change Model. Bear in mind that Caterpillar did not utilize the Cycle of Change Model as the “script” by which the company undertook the various steps of its organizational transformation. Therefore, you may not find that Caterpillar followed the Cycle of Change Model precisely, and in certain instances, you will likely be required to interpret how Caterpillar fulfilled some step(s) in the Cycle of Change Model sequence.
- Your paper must be at least 5 pages (Excluding Title and References Pages) in length.
- Be sure that you incorporate (3 scholarly) sources found on the Background page into your written analysis.
- Be sure that you properly cite all sources used in your paper (APA Style) in-text and in your end referencing.
- Upload your Module 4 Case to the Dropbox before or on the assignment due date.
Required Reading/Sources
CBS News. (2017). Meet Bozoma Saint John: The woman tasked with fixing Uber’s image. Retrieved from
Clay, B. (2010). Six Characteristics of HighlyEffective Change Leaders. Retrieved from
Solon, O. (2017). Can Bozoma Saint John repair Uber’s troubled image? Retrieved from
Campbell, H. (2014). Managing organizational change: A practical toolkit for leaders. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Bouchard, C.T., & Koch, J. V. (2014). The caterpillar way: Lessons in leadership, growth, and shareholder value. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Neilson, G. L., & Pasternack, B. A. (2005). The cat that came back. Strategy+Business. Retrieved from
Optional Reading
Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2012). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change (3rd ed.). [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Coleman, S., & Thomas, B. (2017). Chapter 9: Employee communication and engagement during change: Insights from neuroscience. In Organizational change explained: Case studies on transformational change in organizations. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Hamm, J. (2011). Unusually excellent: The necessary nine skills required for the practice of great leadership. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Ibis World Database. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2008). The leadership challenge (4th ed.). [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Zenger, J. H., Folkman, J. R., & Edinger, S. K. (2009). The inspiring leader: Unlocking the secrets of how extraordinary leaders motivate. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.