| Fail | Fail | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| 0-34 (F) – Fail | 35-39 E – Marginal fail | 40-49 (D) | 50-59 (C) | 60-69 (B) | 70-79 (A) | 80-100 (A+) |
| Not successful | Below required standard | Satisfactory | Good | Very Good | Excellent | Outstanding |
Knowledge and Understanding This should include evidence of: Depth of knowledge and understanding Engagement with subject specific theory & guidelines Relevance of Risk Management & Clinical Governance Background investigation, enquiry and study | Work is limited and/or substantially inaccurate or does not demonstrate understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject. Exploration of the topic severely lacking. Key issues are not identified, and discussion is absent or lacks focus. The subject matter does not relate to operating theatre practice. There is little or no demonstration of the ability to identify underlying theoretical principles and concepts. There is little or no evidence of wider reading. Submission not supported using evidence | Work demonstrates insufficient understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject. Exploration of the topic very superficial. Several key issues not identified, and discussion is very limited. Irrelevant material has been included. There is insufficient demonstration of the ability to identify underlying theoretical principles and concepts There is limited evidence of wider reading and/or wider reading lacks relevance. Evidence is not successfully integrated | Work demonstrates a basic understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject. Exploration of the topic very restricted in range. Several key issues not identified, and discussion is superficial; some irrelevant material has been included Understanding of underlying theoretical principles and concepts is present but explanations may be lacking Wider reading is evident but largely restricted to core texts and only partially integrated. | Work demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject. Exploration of the topic restricted in range. Some key issues identified but not all given due consideration; some irrelevant material may be included. There is a sound demonstration of underlying principles and concepts. Wider reading is largely limited to core texts but has clearly enhanced the work. | Work demonstrates a refined understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject. Demonstrates fairly extensive and relevant exploration of the topic. Identifies and addresses most of the key issues and discusses these in appropriate depth; does not contain irrelevant material There is a sophisticated demonstration of the ability to identify relevant principles and concepts. Wider reading shows a range of sources being used and applied, some of which are independently selected. | Work demonstrates a highly accomplished understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject. Demonstrates extensive and relevant exploration of the topic Identifies and addresses key issues and discusses these effectively; does not contain irrelevant material There is a highly accomplished demonstration of the ability to identify principles and concepts. Application of wider independent reading is fully evident in the work. | Work demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with the subject area. Demonstrates outstanding and comprehensive exploration of the topic. Identifies and addresses all key issues and discusses these in their entirety; does not contain irrelevant material There is an exceptional demonstration of the ability to identify principles and concepts. Application of extensive independent reading is evident throughout the work. |
Analysis and Criticality This should include evidence of: Logical presentation of ideas Use and range of independently selected sources Communication of ideas and evidence of creativity | Work lacks structure ideas are not articulated; key aspects are absent. little or no use of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments No evidence of creatively within the learning resource and/or risk is absent | Work disjointed and poorly structured; ideas are not linked. There is some limited evidence of the ability to select evaluate and comment on a limited range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments The learning resource lacks creatively and/or fails to provide a sufficient explanation of the risk | Work is rather disjointed and poorly structured but there is some evidence of integration of ideas Use of a sufficient range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments, some of which are independently selected The learning resource shows a basic level of creatively and/or provides a superficial explanation of the risk | Some ideas are clearly presented, however they are not always linked successfully Use of a sound range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments some of which independently selected The learning resource shows a limited amount of creatively and/or aspects of the explanation of the risk are lacking | Clarity of thought demonstrated with a clear presentation of ideas; concepts are linked successfully. Use of a sophisticated range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments some of which are independently selected The learning resource shows a good degree of creatively. Explanation of the risk is provided | Clarity of thought demonstrated by logical presentation of ideas. Able to link and integrate ideas and evidence from various sources. Use of a highly accomplished range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments many of which are independently selected The learning resource shows a high degree of creatively. In-depth explanation of the risk is provided. | Demonstrates thorough comprehension of the topic. Incorporates ideas and evidence from a wide range of sources. Use of an exceptional range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments many of which are independently selected The learning resource shows an exceptional degree of creatively. Comprehensive explanation of the risk is provided. |
Application and Practice This should include evidence of: Identification of relevant implications for operating theatre practice Justification for the creation of a learning resource Technical, creative and/or artistic skills Presentation of findings and use of relevant data | No relevant implications for practice are identified Technical, creative and/or artistic skills is not demonstrated Presentation of findings is not clear or effective, incorporation of data ineffective and/or incomplete. | Few relevant implications for practice are identified and/or explanations may be lacking and explanations may be lacking, incomplete or incorrect Very little technical, creative and/or artistic skills is demonstrated Presentation of findings is often not clear or effective, incorporation of data is substantially ineffective and/or inefficient. | Few relevant implications for practice are identified and/or explanations may be lacking A range of technical, creative and/or artistic skills is demonstrated Presents findings in clear and appropriate format and incorporates data in a predominantly efficient and effective manner. | Some relevant implications for practice are clearly identified but explanations may be lacking A range of technical, creative and/or artistic skills is consistently demonstrated Presents findings in clear and appropriate format and incorporates data in efficient and effective manner | Most relevant implications for practice are clearly identified and explained. A range of technical, creative and/or artistic skills is consistently demonstrated in a highly developed way Presents findings in detailed, clear and appropriate format. Gathers, processes and interprets data in a consistently efficient and effective manner. | All relevant implications for practice are clearly identified and explained A full range of technical, creative and/or artistic skills is consistently demonstrated in a highly developed way Perceptively, convincingly and appropriately presents findings in detailed, clear and appropriate format. Gathers, processes and interprets a wide range of data in a highly consistent, efficient and effective manner. | Demonstrates exceptional insight. A full range of technical, creative and/or artistic skills is consistently demonstrated in a highly developed and sophisticated way Consistently present findings perceptively, authoritatively and appropriately and in a wide range of appropriate formats. Gathers, processes and interprets a very wide range of data in an exceptionally consistent, efficient and effective manner. |
Transferable skills This should include evidence of: Ideas presented in a clear a fluent manner. Accuracy of grammar and spelling. Appropriate presentation and structure. Adherence to the assignment brief. Depth and breadth of relevant reading. Citation accuracy and the use of references; using the Harvard (Citethemright) format. | Work demonstrates limited or no ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably. The assignment brief has not been adhered to and the submission does not address the learning outcomes Major issues with grammar, spelling and/or structure is present; an academic approach to writing has not been demonstrated. Harvard System not used or used unsystematically and with many errors Insufficient range, amount of reading and academic sources utilised No reference list supplied | Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably. The assignment brief has not been adhered to in the required manner and the submission does not address the learning outcomes sufficiently Grammar, spelling and structure is inaccurate; an academic approach to writing is beginning to emerge. Harvard System used although errors are apparent Limited range and amount of reading and few academic sources utilised Reference list not accurate or comprehensive | Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably; whilst adhering to the assignment brief at threshold level. Some errors in grammar, spelling and/or structure are present; an academic approach to writing has mostly been demonstrated. Harvard System used although errors are apparent Small range and amount of reading, using a limited variety of academic sources A mainly accurate reference list supplied | Work demonstrates a consistent and confident ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably; whilst adhering to the assignment brief to a good standard Minor errors in grammar, spelling and/or structure are present; an academic approach to writing has been demonstrated. Harvard System generally used consistently with minimal errors Satisfactory range and amount of reading from a reasonable variety of academic sources A mainly accurate and comprehensive reference list supplied | Work demonstrates a highly proficient ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably; whilst adhering to the assignment brief to a high standard Grammar, spelling and structure is generally accurate; an academic approach to writing has been demonstrated. Harvard System used consistently and accurately Adequate range and amount of reading from an acceptable variety of academic sources Accurate and comprehensive reference list supplied | Work demonstrates a highly accomplished ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably; whilst adhering to the assignment brief to an excellent standard. Grammar, spelling and structure is accurate; an academic approach to writing has been consistently demonstrated. Harvard System used consistently and accurately Adequate range and amount of reading from a reasonable variety of academic sources Accurate and comprehensive reference list supplied | Work demonstrates an exceptional ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably; whilst adhering to the assignment brief to an exceptional standard. Grammar, spelling and structure is accurate; an academic approach to writing has been demonstrated to an exceptionally high level. Draws on wide range of reading from a variety of academic sources; Harvard System used consistently and accurately |
Professional Competencies This should include evidence of: Adherence to local/national policy and HCPC standards. | The work has not demonstrated achievement of professional competencies when assessed against the requirements of a professional, statutory or regulatory body (PSRB). The work has not demonstrated adherence to the appropriate rules and/or conventions set by regulators or the industry Please note where non-adherence to local/national policy or HCPC standards; and/or unsafe practice has been demonstrated the work will be awarded a mark of 0 | The work has demonstrated achievement of professional competencies when assessed against the requirements of a professional, statutory or regulatory body (PSRB). The work has demonstrated adherence to the appropriate rules and/or conventions set by regulators or the industry |