1.1 | 8(h) | 3.3, 3.4 1.1.1 | 1. CONTENT SUMMARY (of the Strategy, methods, and environment chosen, as well the focus student with a disability, the lesson plan including its revision) | Candidate demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of reading and writing processes by providing a limited and superficial summary of the article’s content. | Candidate demonstrates a basic understanding of reading and writing processes by providing a basic summary of the article’s content. | Candidate consistently demonstrates knowledge of reading and writing processes by providing a clear, logical, concise and accurate summary of the article’s content that reflects sound, critical, analytical thinking as well as well phrased arguments that assess the content. | Candidate consistently exceeds expectations regarding knowledge of reading and writing processes by providing a clear, engaging, logical, concise accurate summary of the article’s content that reflects sound, critical, analytical thinking as well as well phrased arguments that assess the content. |
1.1 | 8(h) | 3.3, 3.4 1.1.1 | 2. CONTENT ANALYSIS (rationales for why, how, and perceived benefits.) | Candidate demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of reading and writing processes by providing limited reflections and reactions to the author’s main ideas, biases, assumptions and evidence. | Candidate demonstrates a basic understanding of reading and writing processes by providing reflections and reactions to the author’s main ideas, biases, assumptions, and evidence with basic supporting details. | Candidate consistently demonstrates knowledge of reading and writing processes by providing reflections and reactions to the author’s main ideas, biases, assumptions and evidence with sufficient details as well as well-connected ideas. | Candidate consistently exceeds expectations regarding reading and writing processes by providing reflections and reactions to the author’s main ideas, biases, assumptions and evidence with numerous concrete details as well as well-connected ideas. |
1.1 | 8(h) | 3.7 1.1.1 | 3. THEORETICAL CONNECTIONS (to scholarly articles and theorist/theory) | Candidate demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of the theoretical significance of past and present ideas, theories and/or intellectual traditions for the interpretive study of education. | Candidate demonstrates a basic understanding of the theoretical significance of past and present ideas, theories and/or intellectual traditions for the interpretive study of education. | Candidate consistently demonstrates knowledge of the theoretical significance of past and present ideas, theories and/or intellectual traditions for the interpretive study of education. | Candidate consistently exceeds expectations regarding knowledge of the theoretical significance of past and present ideas, theories and/or intellectual traditions for the interpretive study of education. |
1.1 | 8(h) | 3.1 1.2.1 | 4. ORGANIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT | Candidate demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of effective use of English language tools with lack of focus, details, developed arguments, logical transitions, cohesive sentences, paragraphs, etc. | Candidate demonstrates a basic understanding of the effective use of English language tools but has limited consistency with focus, details, developed arguments, logical transitions, cohesive sentences, paragraphs, etc. | Candidate consistently demonstrates knowledge of effective use of English language tools through appropriate focus, concrete details, carefully developed arguments, logical transitions, cohesive sentences, paragraphs, etc. | Candidate consistently exceeds expectations regarding effective use of English language tools with appropriate focus, concrete details, carefully developed arguments, logical transitions, rich and varied cohesive sentences, paragraphs, etc. |
1.1 | 8(h) | 3.2 1.2.2 | 5. APA STYLE | Candidate demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge of the requirements and expectations of the latest edition of APA, with multiple errors, including lack of correct citations/references. | Candidate demonstrates a basic understanding of the requirements and expectations of the latest edition of APA, with limited errors, including limited citations/references. | Candidate consistently demonstrates knowledge of the requirements and expectations of the latest edition of APA, including correct citations/references. | Candidate consistently exceeds expectations regarding knowledge of requirements and expectations of the latest edition of APA, utilizing multiple sources for application. |
1.1 | 8(h) | 3.2 1.2.2 | 6. LANGUAGE USE AND CONVENTIONS | Candidate demonstrates a rudimentary knowledge and use of English language conventions and tools and presents multiple errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure. | Candidate demonstrates a basic understanding of English language conventions and tools and presents minimal errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure. | Candidate consistently demonstrates knowledge and use of English language conventions and tools in mechanics, usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure. | Candidate consistently exceeds expectations regarding use of English language conventions and tools and presents full control of inherent skills in mechanics, usage, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure. |
* CAEP – Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation; InTASC – Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium; SPA – Specialized Professional Associations
Performance Scale:
Level 1 – Emerging: Candidate does not meet minimum program criteria
Level 2 – Developing: Candidate meets minimum program criteria
Level 3 – Meeting Expectations: Candidate meets program criteria with competency
Level 4 – Exceeding Expectations: Candidate meets program criteria with a high level of competency or exceeds expectations