· Date assigned: Tuesday, September 4, 2018

· Due date/time: Wednesday, September 5, at 06:59 pm. There is a one-day “grace period”. The end/late date is Thursday, September 6, at 06:59 pm. Submissions uploaded between the due date and the end/late date are subject to a 10% deduction, as per the syllabus.

· Covers material from: Chapter 3

· Value of assignment: 20 points, or 2% of the overall grade

· Submission instructions: download this Word document. Enter your image captures and responses in the space provided. Rename this file with your name in the file name. Upload this file to the assignment dropbox.

· Tasks / objectives: when you have completed this lab assignment, you should know how to use an online assessment tool to determine your susceptibility to phishing.

· NOTE: this “lab” exercise will NOT be done in a laboratory setting. You are to do it at home, or on a university computer in an open lab.

· Do NOT write your name or the date above – these will be included in your document’s file name

Scoring Rubric

· Note that in this exercise, there are no right or wrong answers. However, you are to make honest responses to gauge: (a) your susceptibility to phishing before the test and (b) whether you believe your susceptibility to phishing changed after taking the test.

· Completion image = 50% (proves you took the test).

· Completing questions 1, 2, and 5 = 4% each or 12% total.

· Answers to questions 3, 6, and 7 = 12.66% or 38% total. There are no right or wrong answers to these. Rather, here you are graded on how well you defend and explain your choices in 1, 2, and 5.


1 How safe do you believe you are in typical online activities? Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being very unsafe and 5 being very safe. Mark an X in the appropriate box (one X only).


2 How confident are you in your ability to identify a phishing attempt? Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being very unsafe and 5 being very safe. Mark an X in the appropriate box (one X only).


3 Briefly (more than 15 but less than 150 words) explain why you rated yourself the way you did for Questions 1 and 2.

4 Go to https://www.sonicwall.com/en-us/phishing-iq-test Complete the seven question phishing IQ test. Take a screenshot of your results (as we did in Lab 2) and paste that image between this question and Question 5 below.

5 After completing the phishing IQ test, are you as safe, as unsafe, or exactly as safe as you thought in Question 1? Mark only one belowwith an X.

As SafeExactly as safe as I thoughtAs unsafe

6 In more than 15 but less than 150 words, explain your answer for Question 5.

7 In more than 15 but less than 150 words, what did you learn from taking this phishing IQ test?




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