Marshall, G. & Johnston, M. W. (2019). Marketing management (3rd ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Chapter 6: Understanding Consumer and Business Markets
( PDF file attached)

Can the marketer predict the customer of the future? This article discusses how continuing customer analysis is an integral part of redeveloping the “consumer profile” to alter the dynamics of marketing strategy.

Steimer, S., & Conick, H. (2018, August 30). What does the future of customer experience look like? American Marketing Association.

There are many tools at the marketing managers disposal from technology to advanced analytics. As this article explores, when all is said and done, the basic marketing concept always comes to the forefront – customer satisfaction.

Clickatell. (2018). Your marketing department needs a consumer marketing strategy.

Satisfying the business customer and individual consumer go hand in hand. This article presents the challenges that confront the marketer when faced with the pressures from both stakeholders.

Danziger, P. (2017, October 27). Nike’s challenges in the U.S. market. Forbes.

What does Nike Sell? This video explains that it is NOT sneakers, shoes or apparel.

Watch Video
Graeme Newell – Nike Marketing Strategy

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