Unit 17: Intermediate Life Support and External Defibrillation in the Emergency and Urgent Assessment Criteria
1.2 Explain common causes of cardiopulmonary arrest.
1.3 Explain circumstances under which resuscitation is performed.
1.4 Explain types of cardiopulmonary arrest.
1.6 Analyse evidence based practice of Basic Life Support when providing Advanced Life Support.
Learning Outcome 3 : Be able to use a defibrillator.
Assessment Criteria
3.2 Explain safety considerations when using a defibrillator.
3.2 Explain safety considerations when using a defibrillator.
Learning Outcome 4 : Be able to use adjuncts to support resuscitation.
Assessment Criteria
4.1 Explain use of: • Facial barriers • Airway adjuncts • Bag-valve-mask device • Ventilator.
Learning Outcome 5 : Understand the importance of post-resuscitation procedures.
Assessment Criteria
5.1 Explain management of the post resuscitation patient.
5.2 Analyse clinical handover tool according to agreed ways of working.
Learning Outcome 6 : Understand special circumstances related to cardiopulmonary arrest.
Assessment Criteria
6.1 Explain considerations for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation during the stages of pregnancy.
6.2 Explain considerations for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on: • Laryngectomy • Tracheostomy patient.
6.3 Explain considerations for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a hypothermic patient.
6.4 Explain considerations for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a traumatic patient.