Assignment 3. Individual Experiential Journal 60%
A number of opportunities for practical teaching and experiential learning will be discussed in this module. Students are encouraged to apply the knowledge in daily life teaching. You can choose to do either option 1 or 2.
Option 1
Students are to write an experiential journal of 1500 words (+/-10% allowance for word length) including four parts:
- one or a small group of students’ learning needs (refer to the above categories) which reflect the writer’s understanding of the students’ learning problems (10%). You can choose your own child or family member instead of your student. The learning problem can be academic, social, emotional, or behavioural. The child DOES NOT need to be a SEN child.
- at least one specific learning outcome set to support the student(s) to be achieved within a month’s time
- Description of the strategies and teaching resources used to support the student(s)’ learning. (b & c = 35%)
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the programme implementation (10%)
Overall structure and presentation and a list of 5 – 10 references. (5%)
If you do not have access to a student that you can write this experiential journal, you can choose to use Option 2
Select one video case from Moodle (under assignment section), write an issue paper of 1500 words (+/-10% allowance for word length) including four parts:
- Identify the child’s learning issues based on the video and set at least one specific learning outcome to support the child to be achieved within a month’s time (10%)
- Description of the strategies and teaching resources used to support the student(s)’ learning with justification. (35%)
- Estimate the difficulty(ies) you may encounter in the process of programme implementation (10%)
The following information is about video cases for Option 2
Case 1 – not sharing 4 year old Behavioural problems: not sharing; grabs others’ toys; screams to express his anger / frustration; will not apologize; hits at times when he does not get what he wants. Focus: support parents to do a home programme as parents finds it embarrassed and feel helpless. |
Case 2 – leave chair 5 year old Behavioural problems: often leaves his chair at own will; likes to go to the play corner all the time; does not comply to teacher’s instruction Focus: compliant behaviour in the classroom |
Case 3 – ASD 3 year old Speech and language problems: receptive language is within normal range but expressive language is delay, similar to a 2 year old; does not communicate much with his classmates Focus: build up his expressive language and communication skills |
Case 4 – socially withdrawn 6 year old Behavioural problems: very emotional; runs away / hides himself from social situation that he does not want to face; often throws himself onto the floor Focus: escape behaviour |
Case 5 – selective mutism 6 year old communication problems: selective mutism Focus: to communicate at school |