Answer the questions using Microsoft Word (2007 or 2010)

Use  Microsoft Word, double space, Times New Roman, 14 pt


Read Chapter 9.  Identify 4 different cultures (research might be needed to identify 4 cultures) and discuss how different parenting styles impact the development of children and adolescents for each culture.  The author of the textbook identifies that different parenting styles can promote behavioral problems, self-esteem, emotional detachment anxiety, emotional detachment, depression, conflicts and/or emotional distress.  Under the “results of parental styles” column, discuss in detail, offering specific examples, how parenting styles among the 4 cultures that you selected impact the development of children and adolescents. 

Develop and submit a table similar to the one illustrated below:

***my table is illustrated small scale.  Your table is likely to occupy an entire page

CulturesParenting StyleResults of Parenting Styles
Culture #1  
Culture #2  
Culture #3  
Culture #4  


Title of Video #1:  “What is the most important influence on child development?”

If you could do one thing – the most important thing – to influence the life of a young child, what would that be (it’s likely not what you first bring to mind)? We want to improve the wellbeing of children – our own, in our community, and in the world, so thinking globally about this question is vital (Tom Weisner, emeritus professor of anthropology and psychiatry at UCLA)

Write 1 paragraph for each of the following questions, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font to the following.  You can express your thoughts in your own words:

How does multiple caretaking of children affect the development of a child?

What kind of child or adolescent is desirable and morally important in a community?

How does single-mother or single-father households affect the development of a child or adolescent?

Who is responsible for the collaborative learning and social intelligence of a child or adolescent?

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