Question 21 pts

In a real image, light rays do not actually come from a point on an image but instead only appear to diverge from a single point.

Group of answer choices



Flag question: Question 3

Question 31 pts

 A rainbow is created when rays of light from the sun are reflected from drops of water backwards into the eyes of an observer. An observer should therefore look in a direction of the sun in order to see a rainbow.

Group of answer choices



Flag question: Question 4

Question 41 pts

The passenger’s side mirror in many cars convex rather than plane or concave because a  convex mirror forms an upright virtual image of the object at any distance and has a wider field of view than a plane mirror.

Group of answer choices



Flag question: Question 5

Question 51 pts

A ray of light passes from air into water striking the surface of water with an angle of incidence of 45°. Which of these quantities remains the same as a light enters the water?

Group of answer choices


Speed of propagation


Direction of propagation

Flag question: Question 6

Question 61 pts

A concave mirror has a focal length (f). If you look into the mirror from a distance less than the focal length, the image ……

Group of answer choices

The image is inverted.

The image cannot be seen.

The image is upright.

Flag question: Question 7

Question 71 pts

A concave mirror has a focal length (f). If you look into the mirror from a distance greater than 2 x focal length, the image you see is…..

Group of answer choices

The image cannot be seen.

The image is upright.

The image is inverted.

Flag question: Question 8

Question 81 pts

Statement for Q8 – Q10:

Light rays from the sun which is at the angle of 35° above the western horizon, strike the still surface of a pond.

(a). What is the angle of incidence of the suns rays on the pond?

Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 9

Question 91 pts

Statement for Q8 – Q10:

Light rays from the sun which is at the angle of 35° above the western horizon, strike the still surface of a pond.

(b). What is the angle of reflection of the suns rays on the pond?

Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 10

Question 101 pts

(c). reflected rays are traveling at an angle ____________ above the pond surface

Group of answer choices




Flag question: Question 11

Question 111 pts

Sunlight strikes the surface of the lake at an angle of incidence of 30°. At what angle with respect to the normal would a fish see the Sun?

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 12

Question 121 pts

Calculate the critical angle for the diamonds surrounded by air.

Hint: From Table 23.1, the index of refraction for air (is 1.00), for water(is 1.33) and for diamond (2.419). 

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 13

Question 131 pts

Calculate the critical angle for the diamonds surrounded by water.

Hint: From Table 23.1, the index of refraction for air (is 1.00), for water(is 1.33) and for diamond (2.419). 

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 14

Question 141 pts

Does a diamond sparkle less or more underwater than in air?

Group of answer choices



the same

Flag question: Question 15

Question 151 pts

Statement for Q15 – Q17:

Some glasses used for viewing 3-D movies are polarized, One lens having a vertical transmission axis and the other horizontal transmission axis. While standing in line on the winter afternoon for a 3-D movie and looking through the glasses at the road surface, You notice that the left lens cuts down the reflected glare significantly, but the right lens does not. You know from your physics class that the glare is minimized when the angle between the reflected light and the horizontal direction is 37°.

(a). Which lens has the transmission axis in the vertical direction?

Group of answer choices

The right lens

Both lenses

The left lens

Neither of the lenses

Flag question: Question 16

Question 161 pts

(b). What is Brewster’s angle for this case?

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 17

Question 171 pts

(c). What is the index of refraction of the material reflecting the light?

Group of answer choices





Flag question: Question 18

Question 181 pts

You want to buy a mirror so that you can check your appearance from the top to the toe before you go to work. Suppose you are 1.64 m tall, how tall a mirror do you need? Hint: look at example 23.5.

Group of answer choices

3.20 m

0.82 m

1.0 m

1.64 m

Flag question: Question 19

Question 191 pts

And object 2 cm high is placed 12 cm in front of the convex mirror. The radius of curvature of the mirror is 8 cm. Where is the image formed?

Group of answer choices

3 cm in front of the mirror

6 cm in front of the mirror

3 cm behind the mirror

6 cm in behind of the mirror

Flag question: Question 20

Question 201 pts

A 1.8 cm object is placed 20 cm In front of a concave mirror With the focal length of 5 cm. What is the position of the image?

Group of answer choices

6 cm in behind of the mirror

6 cm in front of the mirror

3 cm behind the mirror

3 cm in front of the mirror

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