According to the Alliance for Inclusive Education, inclusive education ‘is education that includes everyone, with non-disabled and disabled people (including those with ‘special educational needs’) learning together in mainstream schools, colleges and universities’ (2021). Learners are regarded as having special educational needs (SEN) if they have a disability or learning problem that affects their ability […]
Examples of Reflective Writing
1. Sample Reflection Description I was late arriving to the first day of the course in Professional Diploma in Leadership. I was excited about starting the course and the night before I prepared the clothes I would wear, packed my handbag with everything I needed – course details, change for the toll and snacks etc. […]
Stephen Hawking
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.. 3 BIOGRAPHY.. 4 Stephen William Hawking. 4 CHARACTERISTICS AS A LEADER.. 6 Ability to adapt 6 Curiosity. 6 Shares his knowledge. 6 He never gives up: 7 He stands by his principles: 7 Not letting obstacles distract him.. 7 Considers time to be a valuable resource. 7 CONCLUSION.. 8 REFERENCES. 9 INTRODUCTION Dr. […]
The Importance of Evidence Based Principles
Introduction Evidence Based Principle (EBP) is a fundamental problem-solving approach to enhance care in nursing practice. EBP incorporates the best selected and available evidence to align the clinician’s expertise to patient’s needs; considering patient’s values and preferences. Extensive literature searches are fundamental to support EBP. The development of clinical practice guidelines and medical position statements […]
NR 505: Research Summary Project Sample
Practice Issue and PICOT Statement Multiple factors exist that compound the nursing shortage phenomenon. Statistics report that the combination of nurses retiring and leaving bedside positions contributes to the vacancy of 195,000 nurses yearly through 2030 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, 2021). The projected demand for critical care specialty nurses is […]
Analysis of Treatment Guidelines for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Analysis of Treatment Guidelines for Obsessive Compulsive DisorderThe topic I selected for my analysis of treatment guidelines is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The reason I selected this disorder is because OCD is common. OCD affects more than 2% of the population. This is more than one in 50 people. “More people suffer from OCD than […]
Leading Collaboratively:
A Study of a Model of Health Care Leadership
Leading Collaboratively: A Study of a Model of Health Care Leadership Leading Collaboratively: A Study of a Model of Health Care Leadership ********** Masters of Business Administration, Leadership and Sustainability In presenting this dissertation for assessment, I declare that it is a final copy including any last revisions. I also declare that […]
Sample Lesson Plan
Unit Lesson Plan Unit Description Age/Grade Level K Name of the unit Developing Number Sense: Exploring Numbers One through Twenty Domain (e.g., Numbering, numerical relation, or arithmetic reasoning; or other) Counting and Cardinality Unit Goals To understand the relationship between numbers and quantities up to 20; connect counting to cardinality. What each lesson […]
Annotated Bibliography Example
Academic Publications Briant, Thomas. “FDA Health Warning Regulations: Nine New Text Health Warnings to Appear.” National Petroleum News, vol. 103, no. 1, Jan/Feb2011, p. 10. EBSCOhost, &AN=59831022&site=ehost-live. Summary: Thomas Briant speaks of the FDA’s proposed regulations to cigarette packaging. Briant explains the nine written warnings that the FDA was going to require in packaging. […]
RISK ASSESMENT Defining and determining risk requires the creation of a “catalogue” with possible risks and its sources (causes). This procedure entails the categorization of risks into groups where each source of risk has similar causes and effects with other risks in the same group. We can actually gather a great number of information about […]