Company: Lions Media Group (LMG)Function: Multimedia design group that produces print, radio, web and TV ads.Number of Full-Time Employees: 120 (70% are creatives, the remaining 30% are support, sales, management and IT staff)Number of IT Staff: 5 (They are tasked with email, security, networking, hardware support, website, computer installs and upgrades, software and etc. ) Gross Revenue: $60.4 million Hint: Don’t […]
Week 7 Assignment
Instructions: Complete the problems below. Please complete your work manually and upload a picture to the assignment tab. You must show all work for full credit. Round your answers to the nearest 1/100th. Each question is worth 1.25 points Calculate the following Z-scores, then draw and label a sketch for each example. Formula: X – […]
GB530 Competency Module Brand Extension Marketing Plan: Guide
Introduction Use this document as your “guide” to success. All Brand Extension Marketing Plan documents should use 1” margins, 12 pt. font, and include a title page and a reference page. For the Brand Extension Marketing Plan assignments in this class you will not use the usual APA rules which require in-text citations as 1) […]
Financial Analysis Assignment
Business: Digital Marketing Assignment (My business would help small-to-medium-sized companies improve their online presence through social media management, content creation, and targeted advertising strategies.) Create a start-up budget, income and expense statement, and cash flow statement for your new business venture. As appropriate, make all projections three years into the future. Write up a summary […]
M3 Data Analysis Assignment
Instructions: Q1. Use the estimation method to calculate and interpret a confidence interval. (7 pts.) Suppose we are sampling from a population that is known to be normal with a standard deviation of σ = 5. However, the mean is unknown, so we will need to estimate it using our sample mean. A. For a […]
Hacking Lab
In this lab you will work in teams of 2-3 people (you may opt to work alone if you want to). You will practice the use of various hacking tools and techniques in a multi-stage scenario involving systems of various ages and operating systems. Each level leads to the next one. You may […]
The CEO of Kibby and Strand (fictitious clothing company) recently signed a contract with Amazon to market and distribute some of its products
INSTRUCTIONS: The CEO of Kibby and Strand (fictitious clothing company) recently signed a contract with Amazon to market and distribute some of its products. As a result, the CEO decided to build a new addition to the current building to accommodate the need for more shipping dock space. Shipping will move to the new addition […]
Module 3 Written Assignment: Quality of Life Model
Instructions The QOL Model can be incorporated into the care of all patients with any diagnosis at any point during their illness. This activity will be graded using the written assignment rubric. Written Assignment Guidelines (APA 7th ed.) Include the following APA (7th edition) formatting requirements for all written assignments: Throughout this course, there […]
Leading the Use of Classroom Assessments to Guide Instruction and
Support Learning for All Students Assignment Template Part 1 Identifying or Developing an Assessment Assessment Purpose of the Assessment (connect to grade level or content area standards) Process of Developing or Selecting this Assessment (who, why, and how developed) Research to Support the Use of this […]
WACC and Debt & Leverage Ratios
Part One Return to the same MS Excel file you submitted for Memo 5. Under the Week 6 tab, gather the information needed to determine the WACC and leverage ratio information about my chosen company Teslaand its closest competitor General Motors. (Hint: Enter the requested information to figure out your WACC and leverage ratios. The […]