By completing this assignment, students will consider the power of songs in society to create social change. This assignment will prepare students for choosing their own song to analyze for the Song Assignment.


1. Watch the film Strange Fruit located in UNT’s online library system. You will need to enter your UNT login credentials to access the film.

Katz, J., Thigpen, D., Gabler, M., Seeger, P., Holiday, B., Byron, D., Torres, C. T., … California Newsreel (Firm). (2002). Strange fruit.

Questions to be Answered

1. How do the lyrics to this song convey the depths of racism? Why do you think this song was banned from the radio?

2. How can a song promote social awareness and social change?

3. Can you think of other songs that motivated social movements or helped create social change?

4. What other forms of popular culture have spurred on social movements?

Tips to do Well

· For number 1, be sure to answer both parts of the question.

· For number 2, answer about songs in general – not Strange Fruit.

· For number 3, you must come up with at least one song here (more than one is okay) and then explain how the song(s) motivated social movement(s) or helped create some form of social change.

· For number 4, other forms of popular culture include sports, literature, religion, social media, clothing, movies, television series, etc. The key to answering this question correctly is to link a social movement to a form of popular culture other than music.

Rubric for Case Study of Strange Fruit

Directions Point Value

Directions/Grammar/Writing 10 Points

Fully answers both parts of question 1. 25 Points

Fully answers question 2 about songs in

general (not Strange Fruit). 15 Points

Provides at least one good example of another

song that motivated social movements or

created social change in response to question

3. Explains the connection well. 25 Points

Provides at least one example of popular culture (other than music) that has spurred on a social movement in response to question 4.

Provides examples. 25 Points

TOTAL 100 Points

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