Your client is a 70 year old female admitted to the surgical unit via the Emergency Department [ED] from her home in the senior housing complex.  Her admitting diagnosis is fractured RIGHT hip after a fall at home.  The client was found on the floor of her apartment after not being seen for a day by her neighbors.  Your client was on the floor of her apartment for 14 hours.  She is one day post-operative for ORIF of the RIGHT hip.  Her past medical history is significant for diabetes (controlled by diet) , CHF and atrial fibrillation.  She has no past surgical history.  Her family members (children) are all out of state.  At 07:00 the night shift nurse reports the patient slept most of the night and was medicated for pain (level 8, 0-10 scale) once during the night at 02:45 with Morphine Sulfate 2mG IV.  She has an IV of 0.45%NS at 100mL/hour into the LEFT arm.  She is on the usual post-operative antibiotics for 24 hours.  She has no allergies.  The plan for the day is out of bed to chair and physical therapy in preparation for discharge.


             Vital Signs:        T = 99.6 F     P = 118     R = 22     B/P 152/88

             Lab Work           Na 140, K 3.6 Cl 102  BUN 40  Creat 1.2 

HgB 11.0  Hct 22%  WBC 12,000

Finger-stick glucose:  21:00 110; 06:00 180.

Neuro:                Awake, drowsy oriented to person confused to time and place, PEARL,

(+) blanching of the RIGHT foot warm to touch with pulses equal bilaterally.

             Respiratory:       Lung with crackles LEFT lung field, respirations slightly elevated;

SpO2 = 94% on 2L/min O2; post-operative chest x-ray shows consolidation in the LEFT lower lung field.

             Integumentary: IV site without redness edema; surgical dressing dry intact.

Cardiovascular:  HR regular; elevated; (+) pedal pulses bilaterally equal; no peripheral edema.

GI:                     Bowel sounds X 4 quadrants hypoactive.

GU:                    Foley catheter with concentrated amber urine; output at 450mL from the

 previous 12 hours.


             DIET:    Clear liquids today, advance to full liquids POD 1 if clear tolerated and then 1800 cal ADA

for dinner if full liquids tolerated for lunch.

             IV:         0.45%NS at 100 mL/hour until taking full diet

             ACT:     Bedrest until PT evaluation POD #1.

             RESP:  O2 2L/min via NC

             VS:       q4h inclusive of pulse oximetry

             FS GLUCOSE:  before meals and bedtime

             MEDICATIONS:             Ancef 1 Gram IV q8h X 3 doses

                                                    Morphine Sulfate 2 mG IV q3h PRN for severe pain (8-10)

                                                    Percocet 2 tabs PO q4h PRN for moderate pain (5-7)

                                                    Percocet 1 tab PO q4h PRN for mild pain (<5)

                                                    Digoxin 0.125mG PO daily.

                                                    Lasix 20mG PO daily

                                                    Regular Insulin Sliding Scale AC & HS

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