Discussion Topic:

You have decided to form a new venture selling t-shirts. While you are drafting your business plan, you realize you need to spend some time explicitly planning the goals and activities of your new company. The first thing you must decide is what kind of t-shirts you want to sell, to whom you will sell them, and how you will get them to your customer. You will then use your decisions to set some goals for your new company. Remember, the three levels of planning should link to each other such that you can trace the mission of the organization through the three levels of goals. Planning at a holistic level ensures that everyone in the company – from the CEO’s office to the front lines – is working toward the same overall objective. Once you have decided on these aspects, post the following to the Discussion Board:

  • What is the mission statement for your t-shirt company?
  • Based on your mission statement, note at least one strategic goal for your new company.
  • Based on your strategic goal, note at least one tactical goal for your new company.
  • Based on your tactical goal, note at least one operational goal for your new company.

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