Presentation: line spacing of 1.5.  Please use font size 12 in a clear and readable font.  

Assessment task:

This assignment is based on the whole syllabus. It is designed to test your critical knowledge of a range of contemporary topics in international business and your ability to draw on them to develop new ones, thereby integrating your personal experiences with analysis. In doing so, you demonstrate evidence of you learning and understanding of the materials covered on the module.

You are required to submit a piece of work containing three parts.  All three parts must be fulfilled, and you shouldupload them as ONEdocument to Turnitin.

Your task: you are planning a blog aimed at the following audience*:

Students of business studies who would like to switch track to studying international business.

The structure of the blog is to include three blog posts, each of which corresponds to Blog Posts 1, 2 and 3 of this assignment.  You will be creating the content for these three blog posts (i.e. the text, you do not need to post these publicly).  Remember that all three blog posts should demonstrate an awareness of your intended audience*.

You may also find it helpful to explore the following site, particularly the blog by Tristan Harris:

Blog Post 1:

A: Reflection upon an Organisation’s CSR Strategy (Corporate social responsibility)  – 1000 words

Your task for this blog is to investigate an international organisation critically, drawing upon critical third-party sources in addition to factual information about the organisation, e.g. Statista.  The organisation’s own projection of its brand can be referred to, but should constitute a very small component of the blog. 

In your investigation, you should consider how your chosen organisation deploys its CSR strategy to build organisational commitment You should draw upon the triple bottom line framework OR Carroll’s CSR pyramid to support your analysis.

For your analysis, choose ONE of the following organisations:

  1. Volkswagen
  2. British airways

Suggested structure: essay format. No headings or numbering.

Blog Post 2: Annotated Bibliography (approx. 250 words each, i.e 500 words in total)

Write an annotated bibliography with TWO entries, which must be either academic articles or authoritative business sources such as Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, Forbes.

When selecting your two sources, you should ensure that they help inform the topic that you choose for Blog Post 3.  While it is not an absolute requirement that you should use either or both of your two entries to answer your question in Blog Post 3, it is highly advisable to do so.

Include the following information in the annotation for both sources:

Summary – what is it about?

  • What is the author’s purpose or aim?
  • What is the main argument, finding or conclusion?

Evaluation – what do you think about the text?

  • Who is it written for? (e.g., the general public, business professionals, academic staff?)
  • What do you think are the main strengths?
  • Are there any weaknesses or limitations with the authors’ work?

Reflection – how might you use it?

  • Has the text helped you understand something more in depth?
  • How useful is the article?
  • How might you refer to it?

Suggested structure: presented in a table format. Write in full sentences for each section, not bullet points. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to highlight the importance, accuracy and credibility of each cited source. Writing an annotated bibliography will be beneficial to gain skills in organising information and developing a critical standpoint on published literature.

Your choice of entries for your annotated bibliography should demonstrate familiarity with concepts and theory covered on the module. You should also demonstrate correct and consistent application of Westminster Harvard Citation and Referencing format.  Your summary, evaluation and reflection should demonstrate critical engagement with both of your chosen sources.

Blog Post 3: Analysis of a Contemporary Issue in International Business


Write the content for a blog post based on ONE of the following questions (1000 words).  You are strongly recommended to include a minimum of 10 quality, appropriate sources as references, including your two entries from the annotated bibliography.

Question 1: Innovation in the Automotive Industry

The French carmaker Renault is planning to relaunch its popular Scenic model with a hydrogen power source by 2030.  This mass market model is based on Renault’s new concept car, the Scenic Vision, which will run on electricity for shorter trips, and hydrogen for longer journeys.  Over 70% of the material in the car will be recycled, and the company claims it will have a carbon footprint 70% lower than its main rivals. 

Renault certainly needs to innovate as it has been forced to sell off its thriving Russian unit, and is Renault is struggling with a range of mediocre, midmarket vehicles, with high costs and technology that is increasingly obsolete.

However, there are critics of this strategy.  Indeed, many of Renault’s competitors have created hydrogen fuelled prototypes but have abandoned the idea of bringing these to market. 

Evaluate the rival strategies pursued by Renault and its competitors. 

In your view, which strategy is likely to succeed, and why?

Question 2: Innovation and Clusters

Produce an analysis of the benefits of participation in a collaborative network cluster that are available to SMEs operating in an innovative sector of international business.

You may base your analysis on the French ‘Aerospace Valley’ cluster or any other appropriate cluster located in anywhere in the world.

Question 3: Evolution of the Digital Economy

 ‘Central banks control the circulation and supply of money globally, but the phenomenal rise of cryptocurrency poses a threat to their authority, control and power.’  Critically evaluate this claim, with reference to the launch of the Nigerian eNaira in October 2021 and any other developments in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) which you consider relevant to your case.

To support your arguments, you may reference any other CBDCs, whether fully launched, e.g. the Bahamas, or in pilot stage, e.g. China, Sweden and South Korea.  In addition, you may wish to consider issues of trust, the balance between privacy and oversight in the new digital economy, and whether the new structure poses a threat to the role of the dollar as a reserve currency.

Question 4: Competing Supply Chain Models in International Business

Does the increasing level of supply chain disruption in recent years justify a shift from a ‘just-in-time’ to ‘just-in-case’ supply chain model for international business?

Question 5: The Application of Narrow AI

Identify an application of narrow AI which is not typically transparent to consumers.  Argue a case for why your chosen form of narrow AI should be more widely understood.  You may argue your case on the grounds of CSR/ethics and/or consumer benefits.

For instance, appreciation of the AI software behind driverless vehicles – ethical concerns vs understanding how you as a owner of such a vehicle may be expected to interact with the software, potential insurance/liability aspects

Question 6: The Application of 3-D printing

Identify an application of 3-D printing that is impacting international business.

Evaluate the degree to your chosen application of 3-D printing is disruptive, using Christensen’s model of ‘disruptive technology’.

Remember that critical arguments, integration of personal experiences with analysis and conclusions account for 50% of the marking criteria.  You should ensure that your arguments are clearly set out and supported by reliable and quality source materials. Presentation and structure account for 10% of the marking criteria. Please make sure your blog/portfolio is coherent and organised.

Marking Criteria

Marking CriteriaWeighting
Familiarity with source material, concepts, theory and examples                 covered on the module. Correct and consistent application of Westminster Harvard Citation and Referencing format (in the text and at the end of text).40%
Critical arguments, integration of personal experiences with analysis and conclusions.50%
Presentation, structure and organisation – clarity of writing, appropriate academic style, correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation.10%


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Knowledge of contemporary theories underpinning current practices in international business.
  2. Demonstration of ability to assess an international business case scenario from differing perspectives.
  3. Ability to evaluate the factors influencing business decisions within international companies.
  4. Ability to critically assess organisational issues that are encountered by operating across international borders and different cultural contexts.

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