After graduating from university, it is critical to have a financial plan in place. This will help you establish and maintain “Financial Security” early and onward into your career and thereafter. This paper is a step in that direction.
- A Proforma (expected) Budget – Create a budget for your first year after graduation (assume you’ll get a job quickly). Obviously, you will need to use estimated figures (income, expenses, etc.), but some research can help you be realistic about these. Further, you can use any format for this budget, but the Excel example used in class (now on Canvas) might be a good blueprint to follow. Others found on the internet, etc. are fine as well.
- After creating your budget, set some financial goals for the medium term (3 to 5 years). Then discuss how you will go about reaching these goals. Some research may be required. There are helpful sites available on financial planning after college, etc. Use those to assist you in developing your plan. Remember the keys to Financial Control that were discussed in class.
The entire paper would be roughly 1 page for the budget and 1 page (350 words) to explain your goals/plan. Longer or shorter is fine, but be sure the reader (me) has enough information to evaluate whether or not you have a reasonable approach. Feel free to dream big, but also include some realism.
Good luck!
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